
06 Mar 2014|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity International Business School organizes International Business School Conference- IBSCON 2014

Amity International Business School, a pioneering institution in the field of management research and education organized International Business School Conference- IBSCON 2014 today on the theme “Managing Business in Turbulent Times: Social, Economic and Cultural Challenges for Global Organisations” at Amity University Campus.

IBSCON was inaugurated by Mr. Eric Braganza, President – Haier India.; Mr. Sugato Bose, CEO– Marina Homes; Mr. B.P. Dhaka, CEO – Parsvnath Developers Ltd., Mr. Vivek Seigell, Senior Secretary– PHD Chamber; Mr. Abhilesh Guleria, Country Head– NEC; Dr. Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor – Amity University; Dr. Sanjay Srivastava, Dean – Faculty of Management Studies, Amity University and Prof. Arun Sacher, Director – Amity International Business School.

Addressing the gathering, Mr. Eric Braganza, President – Haier India said that we are facing a difficult global economical environment. Every country is interlinked with each other and if one country faces economic turmoil then rest of the world is also affected. In the year 2009 when the world had faced global slowdown, 107 countries were affected. Mr. Braganza pointed out that BRICS Countries which  include Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, are now considered as economically strengthen countries. Any company who wants to grow exponentially should set up their business in BRICS. Sharing details about Haier India, Mr. Braganza said that Haier has presence in 66 countries having 70 thousand workers and there is no one formula which can be implemented in all the markets. Every market has different needs and one has to constantly track the changes happening in all types of economy. He added that business is an ever changing proposition, whatever today is relevant may not be required in future. One should consider tough times as an opportunity and take its full utilization, opined Mr. Braganza.

Mr. Sugato Bose, CEO– Marina Homes, Dubai said that situation never remains same and after every turbulent time, comes a period of growth and development. Citing the example of 9/11 attacks, Mr  Bose said that post that incident; airlines, tourism and hospitality industry faced rough weather but now all these sectors are getting back on track. Tourists are frequently flying and holidaying in different destinations. Mr. Bose added that difficult situations always becomes a learning experience. During slowdown, entrepreneur has to protect his business and has to make himself mentally strong to take tough decisions. Good or bad times never come knocking and one has to prepare himself for all the situations. All successful companies continue to grow in turbulent times also, opined Mr. Bose.

Addressing the curious but enthusiast budding entrepreneurs, Mr. B.P. Dhaka, CEO – Parsvnath Developers Ltd said that difficult time is just a mental thought and is deciphered in recent times only. In early days, no one used the term difficult situation or turbulent time etc. Mr. Dhaka added that as we are educating and progressing so our challenges are also increasing. One can defeat so called difficult situation with knowledge and perseverance. He stated that those who work and walk as per market never face difficulty.   One has to inculcate confidence witin oneself which will automatically radiate to their employees and customers also, said Mr. Dhaka.

Speaking during the occasion, Mr. Vivek Seigell, Senior Secretary– PHD Chamber said that one has to develop challenges into opportunities. Management of time never ends since no one can predict future. Mr Siegell stated that market situation depends on growth rate and stability of the Government and its policies for example trade policies, law and political changes, tax policies are dependent on Government stability. Mr. Siegell further added that to face and defend the challenges, entrepreneur should understand the economic conditions of the country and should be able to estimate the difference between cultural & social difference.

While addressing the gathering Dr. Sanjay Srivastava, Dean – Faculty of Management Studies. Amity University said when we talk about global scenario and competitive environment; every single day brings new challenges and opportunities to the business world. In today’s global competition, Darwin’s theory of ‘Survival of the fittest’ is very apt. Dr. Srivastava added that today customer is looking how he is being treated better than competitive brand. In this scenario, research becomes important as it is the base for new products, services & new strategies. Dr. Srivastava said that Business Schools help the corporate in providing ideas and solutions with the help of students who are the customers and can provide valuable inputs.

During the conference Amity Global Business Review and Amity Case Research Journal was released by the Panelists.

More than 100 Research Papers and Case Studies were presented during the Conference. Dr. Ronald Jean Degen from International School of Management, Paris presented research paper on “Brain Based learning – The neurological findings about the human brain that every teacher should know to be effective.” Ms. Lata Bajpai Singh and Mr. Michael A. Dutch from Greensboro College – Greensboro, USA presented paper on “Emerging changes in socio-cultural environment and its effect on human resource practices. Ms. Maria Pressentin from International School of Management, Paris presented paper on “Analysis of impact of Euro zone crisis on Indian economy. Mr Dewan Mukhtadir-Al-Mukit & A.Z.M Shafifullah from University of Dhaka – Bangladesh presented paper on “Export, Import and Inflation: A study on Bangladesh”

The conference saw huge participation of Students, Researchers, Faculty Members and Senior officials from Amity International Business School and Amity University.