
02 Sep 2014|Noida | I2 Moot Court Hall

Delegation from University of Queensland School of Law Visits Amity University

A two member delegation from University of Queensland comprisingof Prof. Sarah Derrington, Dean of Law School and Mr. Alistair Laurenceson,Manager, International Development, Faculty of Business, Economics and Law,University of Queensland visited Amity University, Noida to discuss anddeliberate upon the possible areas of mutual collaboration between Amity LawSchool and University of Queensland School of Law.

The delegation was welcomed by Prof. (Dr.) Gurinder Singh-Group Addl. Vice Chancellor;Prof (Dr.) S K Singh, Dean-Faculty of Law, Amity University; Maj Gen NilendraKumar-Director, Amity Law School, School and Prof (Dr.) B.P. SinghSehgal-Director, Amity Law School, Delhi

During the visit, ProfessorSarah Derrington, Dean of Law School delivered a lecture on“Recent Legal Issues in Maritime and Shipping Law” which was attended by thefaculty and students of all the Law Schools of Amity. Prof. Sarah, in herlecture, outlined that India is the 5th largest trading partner ofAustralia; therefore, it is important for Australia and India to have harmonious International Laws. She stressed that Maritime laws are notlaws of a particular nation but they are laws of all the nations since theycover disputes related to every nation.

Talking about CMI(Comite Maritime International), she shared that CMI is theoldest organization in the world that is exclusively concerned with theunification of maritime law and related commercial practice. She apprised thatCMI has members from 56 National Maritime Law Associations and looks at a hostof maritime issues including Cross- border Insolvency, Piracy, Judicial Sale ofships etc. She opined that in future, the development in International Lawswill be driven by International policies and International relations will beimportant in drafting International Laws.

The students and faculty members from the Law Schools of AmityUniversity posed a volley of questions to the prolific speaker, which wereexplained lucidly by her.

The Delegation had detailed discussions with Prof. (Dr.) GurinderSingh-Group Addl. Vice Chancellor focusing on potential research areas ofmutual expertise, Study Abroad Programmes and Internship Opportunities for thestudents of both the Universities, Joint consulting and Short Programmes.

The Delegation, subsequently was taken around the Campus and wasshown the state of the art infrastructure at University including AmityInnovation Incubator, Central Library, Amity University Online