
13 Aug 2014|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity School of Fine Arts organizes a seminar on "Industry Expectations from Young Professionals" to make students industry ready

Amity School of Fine Arts organized a day long Seminar on "Industry Expectations from Young Professionals" at Amity Campus, Sector- 125, Noida.

Padamshree Prof. Biman Das -  Senior Artist; Mr. Pradeip Agarwal – Vice President – Marketing & News Biz, Stratbeans Consulting; Mr. Madhav Joshi – Sr. Cartoonist, BAG Films; Mr. Niloy  Sen – Ex Vice President & Executive Creative Director, JWT and Mr. Samudra- Creative Art Director, Kathputlee Animation Studios shared their experiences and motivated the students.

Dr. Pradeep Joshi- Director, Amity School of Fine Arts welcomed the distinguished guests and introduced them to the students.

Sharing his views and thanking Amity for inviting him, Padamshree Prof. Biman Das -  Senior Artist said that Fine Arts is a very different programme which involves unbridled Creativity, Imagination and to some extent, Technical prowess. He averred that an Artist needs to have an insatiable urge to create masterpieces in order to be successful. He called upon the students to believe in Art for people's sake and encouraged them to be constantly engaged in researching and creating works of Art, without depending on their mood since a masterpiece could be created anytime. "Art has no limitation and an artist is the master of his creation. The only yardstick through which the success of any art work is gauged, is the adulation it receives from onlookers. ," averred Prof. Das. He advised students to respect their teachers who guide and lead them onto the path of success.

Addressing the students, Mr. Pradeip Agarwal – Vice President, Marketing & News Biz, Stratbeans Consulting defined Design as a "simple solution to a problem" and a Designer as a person who "provides a visual solution to a problem". Advising students on how to become industry ready, he encouraged them to be clear about what they want to achieve in their career. He encouraged them to realize and understand what they are good at and suggested them to master that particular skill rather than trying to become master of all skills. He called upon them to be consistent and pro-active in their approach to scale greater heights in their profession.

Mr. Samudra -Creative Art Director, Kathputlee Animation Studios, referring to the Great Pablo Picasso, quoted "Every child is an Artist, the problem is staying an Artist when you grow up". Sharing a NASSCOM Report, he stressed that Animation Industry is bound to grow 22% every year and trained and talented people will be required to fill the job vacancies in this industry.

Highlighting the Advertising and Communication aspect of Fine Arts, Mr. Niloy Sen – Ex Vice President & Executive Creative Director, JWT stressed that creativity is breaking away from stereotypes and it has no parameter. "Just create, you may falter sometimes but no one could really judge your work", opined Mr. Sen. Talking about advertising campaigns of various brands, Mr. Sen said "In Advertisements, content is important but more important is how that content is put across. The message in advertisements needs to be crisp and without any metaphors or jargons to be able to catch the attention of target audience", stressed Mr. Sen. He advised the students to think and observe things differently to be able to create masterpieces and motivated them to always take pride in their creations.