
12 Aug 2014|Noida | I2 Moot Court Hall

Amitians Celebrates International Youth Day 2014 at Amity University

The students of Amity University celebratedthe 15th International Youth Day with great zeal and fervor at Amity Campus,Sector 125, Noida.

InternationalYouth Day is to recognize the vital contribution of youth to society. Thisyear, UN, has themed the celebrations on “Youth and Mental Health” under theslogan ‘Mental Health Matters’.

Lt Gen P D Bhargava, Group Deputy ViceChancellor, Amity University and Dr. Marshal Sahni, Dean- Student Welfarewelcomed the Guest of Honor Dr. John Victor, Clinical Psychologist, VIMHANS.

Students ofAmity presented a play based on “Youth Awakening” that highlighted the issue ofSchizophrenia- a Mental Disorder and reactions of society towards the affected.The play clearly showed how a person with right support, care and treatment canfind strength to break through.

Sharing hisviews on positive mental health for youth, DrJohn Victor said that mind is the software for life and positive mentalhealth is the foundation of a robust society. Appreciating the play, he stressedthat he has handled many cases that were depicted in the play and now, thepatients are leading a normal and healthy life due to the treatment. Dr. Victorinteracted with the students and emphasized on having a good mind health. Hefurther added that what happens in one’s mind, reflects in his life. Hence, aperson should always have positivism in life to achieve success in life.

Addressing thegathering, Lt Gen P D Bhargava saidthat youth are the power of the country and they should live a life of mentalfreedom. He further added that Youth with mental health conditions can oftenexperience stigma and discrimination, which in turn can lead to exclusionand/or discourage people from seeking help for fear of being negatively labeled.Efforts are needed to overcome this stigma to ensure that young people withmental health conditions can lead full and healthy lives free of isolation andunnecessary shame, and that they openly seek the services and support theyneed.

During the occasion, Amity Students enthralledthe audience with their mesmerizing Dance & Musical Performances dedicatedto Youth and Global Peace