
05 Aug 2014|Noida | F3 Seminar Hall

August Session of Certificate Courses in “Management of Academic Institutions” for Officers and “Business Management” for Junior Commissioned Officers (JCOs) and Other Ranks (OR) Inaugurated at Amity University

Amity InstituteOf Education and Training commenced with three months Certificate Course in“Management of Academic Institutions” for the new batch of officers from ArmedForces and six months Certificate Course in “Business Management” for JuniorCommissioned Officers (JCOs) and Other Ranks (OR) at Amity Campus, Sector-125,Noida which are sponsored by Directorate General of Resettlement (DGR).

Welcoming the participants, Dr. Ashok Chauhan, Founder-President, Amity Education Group said that Amitysalutes the undying spirit of defense personnels and their love for country. Asa service towards nation and armed force personnel, Amity has made thisplatform so that the brave men could be prepared for their second career therebyconquering the forts of boardroom too. Sharing his views on the role of“Business Schools in Career Transition”, Dr. Chauhan further added that ArmedForce Personnel are trained rigorously throughout their tenure; they aredisciplined to face the difficult situation head on and tide over the same withrequisite skill and finesse. The virtues which are needed to be successful incorporate are already imbibed in them thoroughly, all they need is theknowledge and information about the nuances of management which rein thecorporate world. He also extended his heart felt gratitude towards theofficials who have meticulously designed course structure and have been impartingit with excellence.

Maj. Gen SBindra, Sr. Director, Amity Institute of Education and Training presented a brief outline of the CertificateCourses, various modules that will be taught under the course and the benefitsthey will accrue to the participants. Maj. Gen Bindra expressed that after thesuccessful completion of the certificate courses, the participants could joincorporate world and can also start their own ventures.

The three months Certificate Course in“Management of Academic Institutions” and “Business Management” is beingattended by over 65 participants.