
05 Aug 2014|Noida | F1 Seminar Hall

Delegation From Toyo University, Japan Visits Amity University

AJapanese delegation led by Prof. Koichi Maekawa, Director, Bio electronicsResearch Center from Toyo University, one of the renowned Japanese University,visited Amity University, Sector 125, Noida to seek potential areas of mutualcollaboration in various academic programmes.


Prof.Koichi Maekawa accompanied by Dr. D. Sakthi Kumar, Co-Director, InternationalAffairs, Bio electronics Research Center, Toyo University were welcomed by Dr.W. Selvamurthy, President, Amity Science Technology and Innovation Foundation;Dr. Gurinder Singh, Group Addl. Vice Chancellor – Amity University, Dr. KrishnaLal, Principal Chief Scientist, Amity University and HOIs of variousdepartments.


Duringthe visit, various collaborative options were mooted including the jointsupervision of PhD programmes, establishment of joint Centre of Excellence forBio-Nano Electronic Research, conducting an International Conference in AmityUniversity, articulation of various academic programmes and encouraging student& faculty exchange programmes.


Welcomingthe guests, Dr. W. Selvamurthy, President, Amity Science Technology andInnovation Foundation highlighted the exemplary achievements of AmityUniversity. He further briefed them about the historical background of theUniversity, its academic programmes, facilities achievements, patents filed byresearchers and scientists and accreditations of the University. Dr.Selvamurthy added that Life Sciences is evolving at a fast pace and theconvergence of Bio technology with Nano Technology and Information will be thefuture of Science.  The association of Amity University with ToyoUniversity will lead to an exponential growth in research and academics.


Prof.Maekawa gave a brief about Toyo University and their research onNano Technology, Molecular Energy, Bio Technology etc. He said that thedelegation is impressed with the linkages of Amity with international universities.He further added that Amity not only nurtures talent but also nurturespartnerships. He also appreciated the hard-work put in by faculty members &staff and wished for a mutually beneficial relationship between the respectiveinstitutes.


Thedelegation a round of the campus and visited the labs of Amity Institute ofMicrobial Technology, Amity Institute of Advanced Research & studies, AmityInstitute of Nano Technology, Amity Institute of Bio Technology, and Incubator.