
24 Jul 2014|Noida | F1 Seminar Hall

Dr. Shrishendu Mukherjee Advices about Research Funding Opportunities in India at Amity University

Dr. ShirshenduMukherjee, Senior Strategic Advisor, Wellcome Trust, London, UK, visited AmityUniversity Campus, Sector 125 and talked about how International fundingorganizations help promote research in the developing nations such as India.

He was welcomed by Dr.W Selvamurthy, President, Amity Science, Technology and Innovation Foundationand Dr. Sunil Saran, Sr, Vice-Chairperson, Amity Science, Technology andInnovation Foundation.

Addressing the gathering, Dr. Shireshendu Mukherjee said that International agencies play aconstructive role in promoting scientific research in India and beyond in thechallenging areas of health, agriculture, green technologies and relatedsciences. He further added that Wellcome Trust is a global research fundingcharity whose interests range from science to history medicine with a vision toachieve extraordinary improvement in human and animal health. Dr. Mukherjeesaid that there are unacceptable preventable deaths every year like 1 childdies every 30 sec from Malaria, 1 child dies very every 40 sec fromMalnutrition and so on. Such issues can be handled when appropriate research isconducted. Dr. Mukherjee also provided useful guidelines on how an applicantshould write a grant application for funding. He mentioned that the grantproposal should include the topics such as Problem Statement, Objective,Time-table, Personnel or Organization research and Outcome Measurement. Hefurther advised that good application should be technically sound, addresses regulatoryissues, clinical trials, mentions commercial advantages, IP issues, Milestones,Risks etc.  An applicant must do a duediligence of their work.

During the interaction, the attendees posed various questionsregarding the funding opportunities and application issues which wereefficiently addressed by Dr. Shireshendu Mukherjee.

The lecture was attended by the Academicians, Researchers andStaff of Amity University.