
15 Jul 2014|Noida | F3 Seminar Hall

Orientation Program for the Research Scholars of Different Doctoral Program of Amity University

To help new PhD students acclimatethemselves to Amity University, an orientation programme was organized for the batchof July 2014 at Amity University campus, Noida. Thousands of applicants hadapplied for PhD Programme in Amity for the current session but after severalrounds of stringent screening which involved written test and group interview,only 300 students were selected. These students have been enrolled in 44different streams including Management; IT; Human Resource; AgricultureScience; Mass Communication; Humanities; Food & Nutrition; Social Science;Mechanical Engineering; Natural Resources and many more.

The programmecommenced with Havan, in accordance to the Amity traditions.

Addressing thegathering, Dr. Ashok Chauhan,Founder-President, Amity Group congratulated the students for selectingAmity to give shape to their career. He inspired the students to workextraordinarily hard to achieve their goals and to reach the heights ofsuccess. He further assured the students that the members of the faculty wouldalways be present with them to guide them throughout the programme.

During theorientation programme, Prof. (Dr.)Sanjay Srivastava-Dean, Examinations and Faculty of Management Studieswelcomed the new batch of students and motivated them to study with completededication and sincerity. He further added that their respective institutionswill provide them best facilities, resources and infrastructure and it dependson them how they make best use of the opportunity given to them.

Welcoming thestudents, Prof. (Dr.) Sunil Saran, Sr. ViceChairman, Amity Science, Technology and Innovation Foundation apprisedstudents with academic philosophy of Amity University and how important it isto imbibe and follow the philosophy during their academic rigors at Amity. He exhortedthe students to work hard on their goals and bring laurels to their parents andthe institution.

Attending theOrientation Programme, Amandeep Kaur,a student enrolled for PhD in Management said that she is very excited to be apart of Amity University which is known for its research oriented programmes.She further added that pursuing the PhD programme will help her in achieving a productivecareer in corporate sector.  

Another studentof PhD in Education, Pawan Koul saidthat he opted for Amity University to pursue his PhD programme as theUniversity is known to nurture talent. He also added that he is working in thecorporate sector and want to explore the career opportunities in education sector.

During theorientation session, new students were familiarized with the various rules and regulationsof the university and introduce them to their faculty and respective mentors.