
02 Jun 2014|Noida | F3 Seminar Hall

Prof. Thomas Cottier Delivers Lecture at Amity University

Prof. Thomas Cottier, Professor of Law & Managing, Director, WorldTrade Institute (WTI), University of Bern (Switzerland) visited Amity University,Sector 125 to deliver a lecture on the topic “Multilateralism andPreferentialism from a Legal, Political Economy and Indian Perspective”.

Welcoming the guest, Dr. Gurinder Singh, Additional ViceChancellor, Amity Group said that Amity University is delighted to host thevisit of Prof. Thomas Cottier at Amity Campus. The purpose of the visit is todiscuss on the Doctoral and Post Doctoral Research and also the potentialassociation for the campus establishment of Amity at University of Bern towardsthe joint collaboration.

Commencing with the discussion on “TheWorld Trade Institute and International Trade Regulations”, Prof. Thomas Cottier said that thecurrent trend is proliferation of preferentialism of trade and there is anescalating importance to harness the challenges of globalization inInternational Trade Regulation. The present educational structure is neitherwell constructed nor present in a systematic manner and there is a lack of research& curricula in law and business schools related to GATT & WTO Law. Prof.Thomas Cottier also discussed on the subject of ‘WTO negotiations with countriespreferring bilateral agreement’; ‘Requirement to enhance the equal conditionsof competition’ and suggested ways towards building upon existing WTO law,working on the trade and investor protection and generating minimum labor standard;‘Linkages with other International Organizations’ which require further appropriatemodes of interaction, conception of cooperation policy and its implementation. Heopined that the world faces lot of challenges in the field of trade – its law& regulations and it is the academia that can generate ideas and researchfor further improvement.

 The lecture was followed by the interactivesession with the present HOIs and Faculty. Various in depth questions wereposed on the trade laws and regulations which were very elaborately replied by Prof.Thomas Cottier.