
28 Feb 2014|Noida | IETE, Lodhi Road, New Delhi

Basic research cannot by itself create prosperity and security without high quality manufacturing skills and R&D led innovations– says Dr R Chidambaram, Principal Scientific Adviser to Govt. of India

Under the aegis of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), 18th Sir CV Raman Memorial Lecture was organized at Delton Hall, IETE.  Dr R. Chidambaram, Principal Scientific Adviser to Govt. of India delivered the lecture on the topic “Research Innovation & the Knowledge Economy”.


Dr. Ashok K Chauhan, Founder President – Amity Group, Dr. S. Pal, President – The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, Dr. P.S. Sundaram, Chairman – Technical Program & Resource Generation Committee – IETE were also present during the lecture session


While delivering the lecture to the august gathering comprising of electronics & telecom engineers, research scholars, academicians and students, Dr. Chidambaram emphasized that basic research, though gives prestige but cannot by itself create prosperity and security without applied research, technology development, high quality manufacturing skills and R&D led innovation. At the same time, one should realize that an advanced technology superstructure can not be built without the foundation of basic research. Dr. Chidambaram added that innovation has a major role in building a knowledge economy, sustainable development with inclusive growth, reaching out to high end & rural sectors. In all these sectors education institutes can play an important role by catalyzing research, education, innovation and skill development. Dr. Chidambaram stated that Government of India has declared the 2010-20 as ‘Decade of Innovation’ and India is aiming to be knowledge economy which requires excellence in research in critical technologies as determined by technology foresight analysis.


Dr. Chidambaram said that much of the research today needs mega science facilities with international cooperation. Quoting the example of large hadron collider (CERN) in Geneva which was built through international cooperation, where India contributed 40 million dollars worth of equipment to this project. Dr. Chidambaram stated that we are in the midst of third industrial revolution which is being driven by the internet, additive manufacturing, robotics and other advanced technologies with a desire to develop green technologies. Dr. Chidambaram also briefed the audience about the National Knowledge Network project which on its conclusion will have a multi 10 gigabit per second core optical fibre network. It will integrate all the classrooms of the country through e-classrooms. It will also be used for NKN webcasting, high energy physics, climate change, remote experiments etc.


Addressing the gathering, Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, Educationist, philanthropist and Founder President of Amity Group of Institutes in his address said research and innovation is the crux of any nation’s development. Dr Chauhan added that there is no dearth of talent in our country but the need is to provide suitable platforms to identify the talents. Education institutes should put thrust in research and innovation activities and with the emergence of e-education, the time for class room lecture will be eliminated very soon. We can foresee that with the advent of Information & Communication Technologies, the education paradigm will be completely changed. Dr. Chauhan said that India has more than billion population wherein 65% are below 35 years. Through the new education technologies we can revolutionize not only our country but the whole world. Dr. Chauhan opined that ICT enabled education will provide education to remotest part of country. Dr. Chauhan informed the august gathering that Amity University is offering e-learning education to 53 countries of Africa and more than 7,000 students are benefiting from this e-learning.


Dr. S. Pal, President – The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers said that IETE organizes memorial lectures to honour eminent scientists of our country. Dr. Pal added that we had a glorious scientific temper in past when most of the western countries were in nomadic stage. After independence, our country witnessed good scientific and technological research and now India has become advanced country in Atomic, IT, Telecom etc.


Senior members from Amity Group, engineers, researchers, students were present during the occasion.