
16 May 2014|Noida | A Block Seminar Hall

National Technical Symposium by Amity School Of Engineering & Technology

The Department of Electrical &Electronics Engineering of Amity University conducted a National TechnicalSymposium on "Power and Control Engineering” at Amity Campus, Sector 125.

Mr. Rajiv Agarwal, DGM (Engg.),NTPC Ltd and Mr. P P Francis, GM (Operations), NTPC Ltd inaugurated theSymposium.

Extendinga warm welcome to the gathering, Dr.Ravi Prakesh, Director- Amity School of Engineering & Technology, SPACE2014 pointed out the power crisis is looming large in India and appealed toovercome the power crisis through the usage of alternate sources of powergeneration. Addressing the budding engineers, he said that engineering isa profession which focusses on development and if they take pride in theirprofession, they can do wonders.

The Chief Guest Mr. Rajiv Aggarwal,in his inaugural address highlighted the impact of power generation and thepower crisis in India. He added that the power houses are generating adequateenergy for people but there are issues with the recovering of the cost. Themain issue affecting the power sector  issustainability and further explained that when a commodity is there but theconsumer is not having  paying capacity;it creates a barrier in supplyof the commodity.

Mr. P P Francis,delivered a special address on the topic "Control of Multi Utility PowerPools: Indian Scenario". During his presentation, he narrated the nuancesof Indian power system and the need for controlled frequency.  He stressed that power and control are likebody and soul, if power is generated but not controlled then, it could beharmful.

Duringthe symposium, CD of SPACE 2014 featuring the abstracts of the research wasreleased.

Dr. H.P Singh, HOD – Electrical& Electronic Engineering, Amity School of Engineering and Technology, theHeads of various departments, Faculty members and students participated in theSymposium.

 Dr. K.M. Soni, Deputy Director- AmitySchool of Engineering and Technology, proposed the vote of thanks.