
14 Mar 2014|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity School of Engineering & Technology organsies event on Women Empowerment through Self-Defence

Department of Information Technology, Amity School of Engineering & Technology conducted an event Women Empowerment through self-defence under Amity Human Values Quarter, on 14th March, 2014 in A block seminar hall, Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida.

Smt. Lakshmi Chauhan, a Social Activist and a three star police officer was the guest for the event. She was greeted by Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Prakash, Director, ASET on her arrival to the campus. The event was graced by the presence of Prof.(Dr.) K.M. Soni, Deputy Director of Amity School of Engineering & Technology and Ms. Nitasha Hasteer, Acting HOD of I.T Department.

Smt. Lakshmi Chauhan, is the S.H.O of Women Police Station, Noida Sec-39. She is an active social worker. One of her priorities is to help poor women for their employment. She also gives karate training for self-defence, counselling, conduct law awareness programs and gives law related lectures. Because of her urge to be outstanding, she served in a number of tough assignments and is popularly referred as “The Iron Lady”.

She addressed the students and deliberated that the role, status and position of women has not been static through the ages but has actually evolved over period of time. She further emphasized that despite all the official proclamations about empowerment and the numerous government schemes designed to improve women’s economic and social conditions, their present status still shows much cause for concern. She motivated the students to fight for their rights and not tolerate in justice. She discussed about her initiative of launching WomenEye, a campaign that marks the awareness of laws and right to women and supports women of all ages and backgrounds. She informed the students about some of the laws and about their amendments. She concluded with the quote “Change begins with small things”. At the end of the session, a token of appreciation was presented to her by Prof. (Dr.) K.M. Soni and Ms. Nitasha Hasteer.