
18 Feb 2014|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity Institute of Social Sciences organise guest lectures by Ms. Geeta Malhotra, Country Head READ-INDIA and Ms. Neera Misra, Chairperson, Drapaudi Trust

Amity Institute of Social Sciences organized Guest lecture on February 18, 2014 at C-Block Auditorium for the students and faculty of AISS. Ms. Geeta Malhotra, Country Head READ-INDIA and Ms. Neera Misra, Chairperson,  Drapaudi Trust were the key speakers of the program. Ms. Nancy Chopra welcomed the speakers and gave the brief information about the Lecture. Prof. Dr. Nirupama Prakash, Director Amity Institute of Social Sciences delivered the introductory remarks and welcomed the speakers, students and faculty. She also emphasized on the relevance of the topics for the benefit of students and faculty.

Ms. Geeta Malhotra delivered the lecture on "Education and Development with a Bottom-Up Approach: Participatory Methodology for Designing Action Research Program". READ INDIA partners with rural villages to establish community library and resource centers as vehicles for social and economic transformation. She said that their organization works in communities where literacy rates are often less than 50%, and most people live below the poverty line. READ centers are owned and operated by the local community. READ India offer educational resources, services and training programs to people of all ages and backgrounds. She emphasized on the participatory approach for the upliftment of the rural areas.

Ms Neera Misra spoke on “Essential Skills for a Social Worker". She addressed the students imparting knowledge on essential skills, which are required for a social worker in the field with emphasis on Empathy, Boundary Setting, Active Listening, Social Perceptiveness, Self Awareness, Organization Skills, Coordination, Persuasion and Cooperation. She mentioned that being a student of social science, their role is very important in the development of the country especially at the grass roots level. Mr. Prashant Chauhan concluded the event by presenting the vote of thanks.