
17 Jan 2014|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity School of Engineering & Technology organises Industry Interaction Session on “Advances in Software Analysis and Analytics in Packaged Application Solutions"

The one day Industry Interaction Session onAdvances in SoftwareAnalysis and Analytics in Packaged Application Solutionswas organized by Department ofInformation Technology, Amity School ofEngineering and Technology on January 17, 2014.

Ms. Nitasha Hasteer, ActingHoD, Department of Information Technology welcomed the Industry Guest and studentsfor the Industry Interaction session. During her address, she deliberated onthe importance of bridging the industry academia gaps to be abreast with thelatest technological developments.

Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Prakashgave the opening remarks and motivated the students to create the Apps usinglatest tools. He encouraged the students to make the most of this opportunityand gain knowledge by interacting with the Industry experts.

The lecture was organized toenlighten the students of Under Graduate and Post Graduate programmes to the innovativeand rising world of software analytics. The faculty members and researchscholars also attended the session.

The event comprised of two sessions.

The speaker of the first session was Mr. Pankaj Dhoolia, IBMresearch labs. During the session, he gave Introductionto software analytics platform. He said that software platform is a dominantone and we aim to innovate and bring new technologies to the front. IBM plansregular activities like meet ups, workshops, competitions and other events tobring existing developers together and also to enable new developers tointeract and learn from the community. He discussed various applicationsin his session and gave a brief of the projects at IBM Research Labs, NewDelhi.

Thesecond speaker of the session was Mr.Vijay Rastogi, Director -Consulting at Sisoft Technologies waspioneer in the field of software engineering. He has laid the CMM (capabilitymaturity model) framework in many prestigious companies like TCS, CSC, andBirla Soft. His session was very interactive and he focused on Software Engineeringbasics and gave an insightful and knowledge to the students. He gave many realtime examples from which the students drew lot of knowledge and was highlyinteresting and brainstorming for students.

Thespeakers of the session were honored with a token of appreciation at the end ofthe    session.