
21 Jan 2014|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity School of Physical Education & Sports Sciences organises National Conference on Physical Education

Amity School of Physical Education & Sports Sciences in collaboration with Association of Indian Universities and Indian Association of Sports Sciences organized National Conference on Physical Education with the theme “Youth Enrichment through Sports & Physical Education” at Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida.

The conference was inaugurated by Dr. Gurdeep Singh, Jt. Secretary (Sports)- Association of Indian Universities, Dr. Devender Kumar Kansal, Head, Department of Physical Education & Sports Sciences - University of Delhi, Dr. Dilip Dureha, Chairman, Department of Physical Education – Banaras Hindu University, Prof. (Dr.) Kalpana Sharma, Director, Amity School of  Physical Education & Sports Sciences (ASPESS) & Chairperson, Organizing Committee and Lt. Gen A.K. Lamba – Amity University

Welcoming the distinguished gathering, Prof. (Dr.) Kalpana Sharma, Director, Amity School of Physical Education & Sports Sciences (ASPESS) & Chairperson, Organizing Committee provided an overview of the National Conference. Dr. Sharma said that sports and physical education should always be promoted in every educational institute since it is very important to give proper training to future sports players. Dr. Sharma hoped that through this conference, the sports professionals, sports experts and students will get an opportunity to share their experience, ideas, concepts, learning and research works with the sports fraternity.

While sharing his views during the Conference, Dr. Gurdeep Singh, Jt. Secretary (Sports)- Association of Indian Universities stressed the importance of promotion and development of Physical education in the country. Dr. Singh averred that physical education and sports keep mind, body and spirit healthy. He was of the opinion that youth should not be a liability for the nation rather true assets for the nation in the form of Lawyers, Engineers, Doctors, Sports persons etc. China has realized this fact and has converted its youth into leaders of tomorrow through Physical Education and Sports whereas, India is till lacking in proper sports policy. He remarked that today, there is a need to have National Sports Policy wherein all stake holders sit together and plan programmes which should be followed strictly. While dwelling on handling stress during the game, Dr. Singh opined that sports person should have nerve of steel to manage stress before, during and after the game. Stress Management leads to longer and happier life.

Dr. Dilip Dureha, Chairman, Department of Physical Education – Banaras Hindu University said that in India, Sports education is only limited to classroom teaching and no one is looking beyond it. Physical Education program which is taught in educational institutes was planned 50 years ago and is still continued without any change. He lamented that India is lacking in compulsory physical education program for all students.  Dr. Dureha commented “our country is lacking in good sports infrastructure and present infrastructure does not fulfill sports persons’ demand because of absence of sports engineers. Indian players are loosing crucial games in last 10 minutes because there is lack of good sports psychologists who can guide them at crucial junctures.”

Dr. Devender Kumar Kansal, Head, Department of Physical Education & Sports Sciences - University of Delhi said that physical education and sports are essential dimension of education. Physical Education is the foundation of all education since it charges the body of a person. It is a technical science which requires proper training before applying otherwise one can harm himself in any sport without getting properly trained.

Inauguration was followed by technical session in which Prof. Ikram Husain, Dept of Physical Education, Aligarh Muslim University talked about the Science in Sports & Performance. Dr. Arvind Malik, Associate Professor – Kurukshetra University presented his views on the topic “Exercise is Medicine – The health aspects of sports” wherein he briefed the audience about benefits of regular exercising. Dr. Malik said that exercise is essential for all age group to maintain the good working of body.

Students, faculty members, sport experts, scientists and senior officials from various sports bodies of India were present during the conference.