
28 Oct 2013-01 Nov 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences organises 05 Days CRE Program on “Specific Learning Disability (SLD)"

Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences organized 05 Days CRE Program on “Specific Learning Disability (SLD)” recognized by the Rehabilitation Council of India from 28th October to 01stNovember 2013 at Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida with an objective to provide an in-depth insight into the concept of Specific Learning Disability.


Prof. (Dr.) Balvinder Shukla (Acting Vice Chancellor, AUUP), Dr. J.P Singh (Chairman, Amity Foundation for Developmental Disabilities) and Dr. Usha Grover (Officer Incharge, NIMH Regional Centre , New Delhi) inaugurated the CRE Program by lighting the lamp.


At the 05 days CRE Programme , participants were acquainted  about the characteristics and early indicators of children with SLD , were given an understanding about the importance of early intervention to prevent children from becoming prone to SLD, perceptual problem seen in children with SLD, Screening and identification of children with SLD by using assessment tools such as: GLAD, DTLD and DTRD, techniques used in teaching reading, writing and maths, Orientation about instructional design and UDL, Organizing Resource Room and role of Resource Teacher in Inclusive set-up.


Numerous plenary sessions on specific learning disability unfolded during the 05 days programme by experts from the field of special education and psychology. Dr. Usha Grover (Officer Incharge, NIMH Regional Centre , New Delhi), Dr. Simran Randhawa (Consultant , Disability Studies), Prof. (Dr.) Abha Singh (Director, AIPS) , Dr. Reenu Malviya (HOD , Department of Education, Lady Irwin College, Delhi University), Ms. Vandana Nangia (Senior, Special Educator , Sanskriti School, New Delhi), Ms. Tamanna Saxena ( Assistant Professor, AIPS) , Dr.Vijaysen Pandey (Assistant Professor, AIBHAS), Ms. Anusuya K. Yadav (Assistant Professor, AIRS), Mr. Ravi Prakash Singh (Assistant Professor, AIRS) and Mr. Naveen Singh (Faulty AIRS and CRE Programme Co-ordinator) were among the resource persons.