
30 Aug 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Dr. David Richmond- President, Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists visits Amity University

Itwas an important day for Scientists of Amity when Dr. David Richmond-President, Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists visited AmityUniversity to mull over potential areas of collaboration. Dr. Richmond wasaccompanied by Dr Lisa Joels

Dr.Ashok K. Chauhan, Founder President – Amity Group; Dr.W. Selvamurthy, President – Amity Science Technology & InnovationFoundation; Dr. J.P. Singh. Chairman – Amity Foundation forDevelopmental Disabilities welcomed the delegation.

Dr.David Richmond, President- Royal College ofObstetricians & Gynecologists (RCOG) said that he is impressed with thelatest curriculum and world class infrastructure at Amity University. Briefingthe audience Dr. Richmond said that RCOG was established in 1929 in UnitedKingdom with the objective to encourage the study and the advancement of thescience and practice of obstetrics and gynecology worldwide, throughpostgraduate medical education, training development, publication of clinicalguidelines, reports on aspects of the specialty and service provision. Dr. Richmond informed that in India, RCOG activities are managed by fourregional zones of All India Coordination Committee of RCOG. Addressing thegalaxy of scientists of Amity University, Dr. Richmond said that women healthcare is of utmost importance globally and especially in Indian parlance. Womenhealth care needs begin from teenager level. In UK a woman has multiple chancesto meet mid wives, doctors and health care workers during the pregnancy. InIndia the health care specialist should provide such opportunity to a woman whois pregnant to avail healthcare. Speaking on public health care, Dr. Richmondsaid public health care expert is very important and he works for thesociety. 

Dr.Ashok K. Chauhan, Founder President – Amity Group saidthat Women Health Care and Public Health Care are two streams in which lots ofwork needs to be done in India. Majority of population live in rural areas whoare deprived of basic health care facility Dr. Chauhan said that AmityUniversity is already offering Master of Public Health program. Dr. Chauhanannounced the launch of Amity Centre for Reproductive Biology very soon.

Scientistspresent during the deliberation observed that there should be early detectionof HPV cancer, cervix cancer. Diagnosis is still not considered to be of primeimportance for the physician, whereas they are more concerned about thetreatment. He advised that a check list must be created for surgery andmaternity theatres to reduce mortality rate amongst women.