
30 Aug 2013|Noida | Apollo Hospital, New Delhi

Maternal Mortality Rate has declined by 35% in India due to better health care facilities – opine experts during Conference of Obstetricians & Gynecologists at Apollo Hospital, New Delhi

Womenhealth care is of paramount importance for any country and it is criticallyimportant for India given its vast and diverse nature. In urban areas wherewomen health care facilities are easily available, rural area is stillsuffering from the need of basic health services. To discuss the recentdevelopments in Obstetrics & Gynecology keeping the specific requirementsof India, All India Coordination Committee of Royal College of Obstetricians& Gynecologists (AICC-RCOG) is organizing a three day Annual Conference.The theme of this year conference is “Bridging the Gap in Women’s Healthcare”

TheAnnual conference was inaugurated by Dr. Ashok Chauhan- FounderPresident, Amity Group; Dr. David Richmond- President, RCOG; Dr.Anupam Sibal, Director Medical Services – Apollo Group; Mr. JaideepGupta-MD, Apollo Hospitals; Dr. Sohani Verma, Chairperson –Organizing Committee, AICC RCOG at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi.

Dr.Ashok Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group and Chief Guest on the occasion applaudedthe mammoth work done by AICC RCOG in improving the health care standards ofwomen in India by organizing Seminars, Workshops and Conferences on topicalareas of concern in the area of Obstetrics and Gynecology. While addressing thepracticing doctors, Dr. Chauhan said that when they bring a child to this worldwhich gives them a feeling of satisfaction and calmness. Dr. Chauhan stressedthat a Nation’s real success depends upon the wellbeing of its most importantpillar –women and if they are taken care well in the country, the country isbound to succeed and scale greater heights. He congratulated AICC RCOG for allthe breakthrough and remarkable research work it facilitates in the area ofObstetrics and Gynecology, which is helping save the lives of numerous womengoing through critical problems and complexities specially during child birth.

Presentingthe theme of the conference, Dr. Sohani Verma, Chairperson – OrganizingCommittee, AICC RCOG said that with the recent trend of super specializationwithin the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology, many professionals are nowtotally confined to only one subspecialty, often unaware of the latestinnovations in other areas. The Conference aims to educate and share the latestinnovations and updates in Obstetrics and Gynecology and also to focus on themeaningful application of this knowledge to the extremely divergent needs andchallenges of women’s healthcare in India. Dr. Verma said that this yearover 505 delegates are participating from different parts of the world who willshare their expertise and evidence based views during the Conference.

Dr.David Richmond- President, Royal College ofObstetricians & Gynecologists while delivering his Inaugural oration saidthat he is overwhelmed on seeing the huge participation in this year conferencewhich shows that India is recognizing and moving ahead towards comprehensivegrowth of women health care in the country. Emphasizing on quality, Dr.Richmond said that there is quality standards for banks, education institutesbut there is no specified quality measures for clinical care which is of utmostimportance. He observed that quality is not what hospital perceives ratherquality is what patient receives. The expectation and experience of patient isthe outcome of healthcare. Dr. Richmond said that the dimension of qualityincludes safety, timeliness, efficient, effective, equitable, patient focusedand sustainable delivery system. RCOG is currently providing education,awareness in global health and setting up clinical quality. Dr. Richmond sharedthat in UK the Maternal Mortality Rate (Maternal deaths per 1,00,000 livebirths) is 8.2 whereas in India the MMR is 187. Dr. Richmond suggested some ofthe measures in improving the quality of medical care in hospitals such as to:

-         Raise awareness by experience

-         Deliver care with minimize harm

-         Analyze data

-         Involve patients

-         Learn lessons from mistakes

Giving a piece ofadvice to the participants, Dr. Richmond said that if you do not know what youare doing and how well you are doing it, you have no right to be doing it atall.

Dr.Kushagradhi Ghosh- Chairman Eastern Zone, AICC- RCOG,  Dr. JaishreeGajaraj- Chairperson, Southern Zone, Dr. Jyothi Unni- Chairperson, Western Zoneand Dr. Sohani Verma- Chairperson, Northern Zone read out the report of thevarious scientific programs organized and achievements made by respectivezones.

Duringthe ceremony, Souvenir and Abstracts Book comprising of research papers whichwill be presented during the Conference were released by the distinguishedguests.

Themeticulously designed Conference was preceded by Workshops and is now spreadover three days – August 31-September 02, 2013  at different hospitals andresearch centres across the city for focused and hands- on training. The interestingand engrossing topics which are being discussed and deliberated during theWorkshops includes “Urogynae & Vaginal Surgeries”, Gynae-Oncosurgery VideoWorkshop” etc. Quiz for Post Graduate Students on the topic “GynaeEndocrinology” and Labour & Emergency Obstetrics will be held.