
17 Aug 2010|Noida | Amity University Noida Campus

Guest lecture by eminent journalist Mr. Prabhat Shunglu at Amity School of Communication

Mr. Prabhat Shunglu, an eminent senior journalist delivered a guest lecture on the topic Changing Trends in TV News: Is it a pointer towards change in Political Journalism at Amity School of Communication.

He discussed about the changing trends in Television news industry, briefed the students on News room step-up and role of each department. He mentioned that in the current scenario the news is not only limited to metropolitan cities but also focused on remote villages in India. With the rise in technological enhancement around the world, news today has a wide spread.

He used the term "Kato" which means involving the essential points in the news story to make a neat and crisp and impactful story. He stated that the news channels should avoid sensationalism. Mr. Prabhat briefed about AAJ TAK which evolved itself from 20mins news bulletin to 24/7 full time news channel.

On political grounds, he discussed about media coverage from Gulf War to Afghan War. He gave a detailed analysis of its growth in leaps and bounds. He mentioned about Common Wealth Games and the role of media in reporting the news related to it.

Mr. Prabhat had an interactive question hour session with Amity School of Communication Students.The question hour proved to informative as questions related to the issues like" Importance of Cricket over other sports", "News reporting being a more of earning business" and "News like - Sadhus and Bhoot stories given preferernce over Hard news" were discussed. He addressed these issues tactfully and also gave his views on ''Pepli LIVE''. Overall, the lecture was inpirational and informative for the journalism students.