
02 Jul 2010|Noida | Amity University Noida

128th lecture of Amity International Centre lecture series

Amity International Centre organized a lecture on “Exciting world of Microbes” as part of its lecture series. It was 128th lecture of AIC lecture series. Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, Founder President, Amity Group also graced the occasion with his presence.

Prof. (Dr.) Ajit Verma, Director General, Amity Institute of Microbial Sciences presented an in-depth analysis of the topic. He unveiled the world of microbes.

Dr. Verma clarified certain myths regarding microbes which people have in general. He also said that the microbes helps us in digestion and provides taste to food. Microbes are present Cosmo politically and most of them are useful. He described the birth of solar system and some universal truths of microbes. Microbes can inhibit in extreme conditions. It is not necessary that all microbes are microscopic. It can be of various sizes varying from a tennis ball to a banyan tree. Microbes can grow anywhere.