
24 Jun 2010|Noida | Amity University Noida Campus, Sector-125

Faculty Development Programme on “Conduct and evaluation of Value Added Courses”

Amity Academic Staff College organised a Faculty Development Programme on “Conduct and Evaluation of Value Added Courses (VAC)” on 24 June 2010

Dr. Balvinder Shukla, Pro Vice Chancellor (Academics) & DG, ASET and Programme Director of the Faculty Development Programme, Directors of VAC, were the Resource persons.

More than 90 faculty members, HODs & Directors across the Amity Institutions participated the programme.

Dr. Shukla delivered the welcome address and opening remarks by mentioning the significance and relevance of VAC including Behavioral Science, Business Communication and Foreign Business Languages and gave many academic and administrative inputs to make these Courses more effective across the institutions of AUUP. During the session, she gave excellent coverage on various Academic Regulations & Guidelines.

Prof. Abha Singh, Director, AIPS & Acting Head, AIBHAS, Dr. Madhulika Jha, Director, AIEBC and Senior Faculty member Mr.Rajkumar Joshi from ASFL talked about the teaching methodology and pedagogy of their respective VAC and answered queries of the host institutions about evaluation and teaching methodology and pedagogy.

Ms. Suneet Soni, Asst. Registrar-AUUP explained about the new evaluation scheme of VAC including the registration of Guided Self Study Courses.

The participants were benefited with the various inputs given by the resource persons and appreciated the programme a lot.