
10 Jan 2019-11 Jan 2019|Noida | E2 Auditorium

Two day International Conference Confluence-2019 on theme “Cloud Computing, Data Science and Engineering”

The objective of the conference was to bring together the scholars, scientists and industrialists related to IT sector, from all over the world, on a common platform to inspire, help and provide valuable feedback to the young engineering minds.

TheInternational Conference received more than 560 research paper submissionsacross the globe including Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, United States,United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, japan, UAE, Vietnam etc. and after beingscreened through well designed review system, 126 papers were selected whichwill be send to publish.

During thetwo day International conference around 25 keynote addresses by eminentspeakers were held, over 150 paper presentations by research scholars , 22 MoUswere signed with foreign universities and industry sessions with more than 20CEOs and Senior Officials of leading companies on various topics includingTrends in Technology and Industry expectations from young professionals amongstothers were conducted.

TheInternational Conference concluded today wherein industry leaders includingwere conferred upon ‘Amity Leadership Awards’ including Ms Lata Singh,Executive Director, IBM India Pvt LTD; Mr. Shekhar Gupta, Associate Director(HR), Flipkart; Mr Sanjay Mittal, Managing Director Asia, Interra Systems; Mr.Kapil Mehrottra, Director (HR)- HCL Healthcare; Mr. Amit Kumar, GeneralManager, SpiceJet; Mr. Randhir Kapoor, Honeywell Automation LTD; Mr NitinMishra, Executive Director, Goods and Services Tax Network; Mr SushilChoudhary, Founder and CEO, Picturetime Digiplex Pvt LTD and Mr. Raju Machrela,Country Head, Bravura Solutions amongst others for their outstanding achievementsand contributions in the sector.

Addressing thegathering, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan, Founder president, Amity Education Groupsaid that the current industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, has been impactingevery industry especially the IT sector and it has become difficult for thesectors to keep pace with it resulting in lack of skilled manpower. He stressedthat the industry is seeking skilled motivated and industry readyprofessionals, and Amity is determined to nurture the young engineers for the futurejobs. He informed that after deliberations with industry leaders, thecurriculum of will be revised as per Industry 4.0 framework.

Sharing hisviews, Dr. (Prof.) Abhay Bansal, Jt Head, Amity School of Engineering andTechnology said that the aim of Confluence 2019 was to provide a platformto all the stakeholders to discuss about the emerging techniques, challengesand reforms in the sector. He apprised that in today's time, there is a hugedemand for cloud computing skilled professionals but the supply is limited. Hefurther added that in cloud computing domain, there are 7.5 million jobs inChina, 4 million jobs in USA and 2.2 million jobs in India but for every 100posted jobs, there is only one qualified professional. Dr. Bansal encouraged thestudents to interact with the delegates and expose themselves towards therequirement of the industry since scope is high in Cloud Computing.

Speaking onthe occasion, Prof.(Dr.)Glenford Mapp, Professor, Middlesex University London,UK pointed out that the world iswitnessing the convergence of computing, communication, storage and cache whichis the new revolution of internet which will further boost the concept of smartcities. He called upon the students to conduct research of development offuture internet for smart cities.

Prof.(Dr.)Hiroshi G Okuno, Professor, Waseda University, Japan shared that IT industry is evolving at a fast pace andwith this disruptive revolution, new opportunities have emerged for youngprofessionals. He informed that in japan, there is a need for young skilledprofessionals to take the industry forward.

Apprising aboutstrategy behind Amazon’s success, Mr. Manav Sehgal, Head of Solutions,Architect, Amazon, Internet Services Pvt. Ltd shared that Amazon followsstrong work culture which is more important than just strategies. He mentionedthat the culture of Amazon is based on fourteen leadership principles whichrepresent the way of life. Highlighting some of the principles, Mr. Sehgaladvised the students to develop the sense of curiosity and learning throughouttheir educational and professional journey. He urged the budding professionalsto ‘invent and simplify’ which will help them connect to the customers better.

During theoccasion, Honorary Professorships were conferred upon Prof. (Dr.) Manfred Broy,Technical University of Munich, Germany; Prof (Dr.) Bernhard Steffen, TUDortmund University, Germany; Prof. (Dr.) Shyi-Ming Chen, National TaiwanUniversity of Science and Technology, Taiwan; Prof. (Dr.) David Harel, VicePresident of Israel Academy of Science and Humanities, Israel; Prof. (Dr.)David Peleg, Weizmann Institute, Israel; Prof. (Dr.) Hiroshi G Okuno, WasedaUniversity, Japan and Prof. (Dr.) Tiziana Margaria, Head of Department of CSE,University of Limerick, Ireland

As part of theInternational Conference, "Cyber Cup 2019" wasorganized as a pre-confluence event which aimed to appeal the school andcollege Tech enthusiasts in the form of a series of events enveloping varioustechnological terrains with events such as BlendIt for strengthening thedesigning skills, HandsOn to make the participants aware of the latest widgets& gizmos and CodeIt, a platform to present their ideas and work along withmany others.  The event witnessed the participation of more than 200participants from over 30 educational institutions, schools and colleges, fromDelhi NCR.

The awards forvarious events conducted under Cyber Cup 2019 were conferred during thevaledictory ceremony.

ArnavPraneet, Samridh and Saumik Shashwat rom Amity International School Mayur Viharlifted the “Junior Cyber Cup” trophy. “Hackathon” was won by Gunnika Batra fromBharati Vidyapeeth College Of Engineering, New Delhi; Satyam Bansal from JSSbagged the first prize for “Designathon”; The first prize trophy for “CodeIT”was given to Ankita Chauhan from Jaypee University of Information Technology;Saksham Jain from Amity University, Noida stood the first position in “ITWiz”;the winner for “BlendIT” was Riya Singh from Indraprastha Institute ofInformation Technology, Delhi. The award for “Best Debugger” was received byAnanya Agarwal from Air Force Bal Bharti; “Best Coder” was given to PrakharSaxena from Amity International School,Vasundhra and “Best Quizzer” waspresented to Saumik Shashwat from Amity International School, Mayur Vihar.