
24 Sep 2012|Noida | Amity University, Sector-125, Noida

Amity Institute of Telecom Technology & Management organizes Guest Lecture on ‘Human Values’ by Dr. Sanjay Mahalingam

Amity Institute of Telecom Technology & Management organized a guest lecture for MBA – Telecom Management and M.Tech ( TSE + OEOC ) students by Mr. Sanjay Mahalingam , who was also accompanied by Mr. B. Goyal – District President and Mr. Manohar Rao , important member of. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (SSSIHL). The guests were welcomed by Dy. Vice Chancellor & D.G. AITTM , Lt. Gen. P.D. Bhargava.

Dr. Sanjay Mahalingam , MBA and PhD from SSSIHL, currently teaches and conducts academic research at the department of Management Studies at the Institute. His primary research interests include Corporate Strategies, Emerging Economies and Spirituality in Business and Leadership. He has given numerous talks to varied audiences all over India on eastern and western philosophies of spirituality and leadership. He has widely read the important scriptures of various religions, especially the Bhagwad Gita, the Vedas and the Upanishads.

Above and beyond all intellectual pursuits and attainments, Dr. Mahalingam considers his love for his spiritual master as his greatest treasure. He believes that his association with Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai baba as the most profound and transformational experience of his life. He strongly believes that Self Knowledge borne out of self attention and self exploration is the panacea for all problems a human faces, individually and collectively."

Dr. Mahalingam’s enlightening speech held the students spell bound. ‘Peace’ - the key note of his speech is also synonymous to happiness and success in life , he said. ‘Sticking to the Basics’ and ‘Being Grateful’ even for simple pleasures in life is the mantra Being grateful even for the negative experiences in life helps in transformation and evolution of self. ‘ Know Thyself’ – i.e. knowing and exploring one’s own self is important and All Positive Enquiries emanates from Peace , is another aspect he pondered upon.

He demonstrated the importance of meditation and how it helps in improving the quality of life. He urged the students to regularly practice the same and benefit from its results. Numerous interesting questions poured in from the students towards the end which were very aptly and humorously answered by Dr. Mahalingam.

The session was wrapped up with a Vote of Thanks which was delivered by Gen. P.D. Bhargava