
27 Sep 2012-28 Sep 2012|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity School of Engineering and Technology organises two day Summit CONFLUENCE 2012: The Next Generation Information Technology

Amity School of Engineering and Technology (ASET) organized two day Summit CONFLUENCE 2012: The Next Generation Information Technology on the theme Cloud Computing , Data Science and Compliance for Business Excellence at Amity Campus, Sector 125, Noida.

Confluence 2012 aimed at providing a platform for industry, academia and research organizations to stimulate discussions and networking on various emerging trends, innovation, research results and new directions in the field of Cloud computing. It covered research paper presentations, poster presentations and plenary sessions by eminent speakers from the Industry as well as Academia. The valedictory function of Confluence 2012 included an Industry Award Ceremony to felicitate industry leaders for their significant contributions by leveraging IT in different sectors.

Welcoming the august gathering Dr. Balvinder Shukla, Acting Vice Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh expressed her views during the valediction and said it’s been three years that ASET has been organizing Confluence. “Technology is very fast these days, any information or data about anyone or anything is available in seconds” said Dr. Shukla. She also added that Data collection for any business is a major concern which technology has made easier to get whenever required.

Mr. Manoj Chug, President- Regional President of Global Accounts for EMC Asia Pacific & Japan started his conversation with students in a very interesting way with a mind boggling exercise to show the importance of Technology in everyone’s life indirectly. He shared ways to achieve success in IT sector as an IT professional. He advised students to always remember 3V’s which are Volume, Variety and Velocity to be an innovative IT professional. Good and thorough learning of information technology would give them tremendous career option in IT sector and stressed that success is no more away from anyone if hard work exists in one’s life.

Prof. K.K.Aggarwal, Chancellor, Lingya’s University expressed his pleasure in visiting Amity University and to be a part of Confluence 2012. The transformation of IT sector in last decade can be seen easily as today we all are carrying a small computer in our pockets. He advised students to think beyond imagination to explore new and creative ideas. A Champion is the one who solve any problem with a new pattern or formula instead of following obsolete methods added Prof. Aggarwal. Moreover, he suggested students to stop being a stereotype which is not in trend now, since the market is highly competitive and try to think out of the box.

Lt. Gen. Zameer Uddin Shah, Vice Chancellor, Aligarh Muslim University shared his thoughts with students and said Technology has made a big difference in the lives including Cloud computing. Now a days, one who is there on any social networking sight, his life is no more private, it ultimately becomes public he added. “The next generation scientist and engineers should work out on developing new techniques for serving people with better facilities in upcoming years” he remarked.

Dr. Ajoy Kumar Ray, Vice Chancellor Bengal Science & Engineering University said that Amity has organized a great Confluence which will surely benefit students in learning and understanding the market trends of IT sector. “Try to think different as the key to success is innovation” suggested Dr. Ray to students.

While addressing the august gathering Mr. Anurag Singh, MD, Headstrong congratulated all the winners and said that the theme of the Confluence 2012: The Next Generation Information Technology Summit is the theme which most of the leading organizations CIO’s & COO’s are adhering to grow. Thus, it’s an appropriate topic chosen for Confluence 2012 since nowadays organizations are building up strategies in these areas said Mr. Singh. He also added that information security is the biggest challenge these days therefore he feels that the topic chosen for Confluence 2012 is an appropriate one to guide students towards the right direction to achieve success in their lives.

Two competitions were also held i.e. Poster Paper competition and Paper presentation. The winners of these competitions were given Certificates, Memento and EMC- I Omega Storage device worth Rs. 20000/-.