
31 Aug 2012|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity Business School organizes International Case Study Competition “ RENVOI” to bridge Industry-Academia Gap

Case Studies as a method of teaching methodology are very important in bridging the gap between the industry and the academia and also, the skil gap faced by budding professionals when they enter the industry by apprising them with the latest corporate scenario and trends.

Keeping in view the importance of case studies in management education, Amity Business School organized 9th Renvoi- International Case Study Competition on the theme on the theme ‘Challenges for Corporate Governance in Present Economic Scenario’ at Amity Campus, Sector- 125, Noida

Dr. Chandan Mitra- MP, Rajya Sabha, Mr. A.P. Ramabhadran Business Head, Hindustan Times Media, Dr. Balvinder Shukla- Acting Vice Chancellor, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh and Dr. Sanjay Srivastav, Director General, Amity Business School (ABS) and Chairperson, RENVOI inaugurated the Competition.

Welcoming the august gathering, Dr. Sanjay Srivastav- Director General, Amity Business School (ABS) emphasized the importance of the theme of the “RENVOI 2012” and remarked that Corporate Governance, in today’s era, has undergone a paradigm shift. Now, people see evil, hear evil and report evil, contrary to what the Great Leader, Mahatma Gandhi had advocated long time back. He stressed, “Indians are not opn to criticism and we loathe to talk about failures.The history of case studies show that we should respect failures since they are important learning tools. Failures, like happiness, should also be shared in order to progress further.”

Giving a very inspiring speech during the occasion, Dr. Chandan Mitra- MP, Rajya Sabha said that Transparency, Trust and Legitimacy of an enterprise define the key components of its Corporate Governance. Any Enterprise which lacks any of these three cannot sustain. Social Responsibility and value based Corporate Governance is very important. He called upon the budding managers to not only belief in the principles of Corporate Governance but also to start implementing them in their personal and professional lives. He, further, motivated them to be good and successful leaders who are remembered by their organizations and the society at large. Outlining the qualities which are essential to become a successful leader, Dr. Mitra said that it is very important to be firm, decisive and at the same time, possess good values and Sanskars for becoming a good leader. He stressed that “making money, helping Corporates to increase their profits is not the only goal to be pursued, there are other higher levels of goals which have to be taken into consideration while working in Corporate world. Temptations sound the death knell of Corporate Governance.“

Giving a different perspective to the topic of the Seminar, Mr. A.P. Ramabhadran Business Head, Hindustan Times Media remarked that challenge of Corporate Governance is not Corporate Governance but it’s a challenge of Ambiguity. Whether a person is young or old, in Politics or in Education, he or she faces ambiguity and how well that ambiguity is dealt with determines the Corporate Governance. He stressed that Corporate Governance has a perspective and that is an individual’s own perspective.

Dr. Balvinder Shukla- Acting Vice Chancellor, Amity University, while sharing her views, called for the strengthening of Governance not only in Corporate but also, across the country. Right systems and processes alone cannot ensure good Corporate Governance in an entity, the values, ethics and principles of an individual also matters a lot. She stressed that if values and “Sanskaars” are followed, everything else will automatically fall in place.

Dr. Shalini Trivedi, Team Leader, RENVOI gave a brief introduction to the International Case Study Competition

The inauguration was followed by “Case Study Presentations” by the leaders from Corporate and Education sector during the four technical sessions - spread during the day on Operations, General Management, Marketing and IT and Finance and HR

The important Case Studies presented during the day long Competition included “The Failing “VIVANTA BY TAJ: BRAND EXTENSION OR BRAND CONFUSION?” by Dr. Subhadip Roy- Associate Professor, IBS Hyderabad, “A Case on Facebook and Orkut-A Comparative Study” by Dr Shalini Srivastava, Associate Professor, Jaipuria Institute of Management, “A study of Urban Infrastructure Project Implementation in India” by Mr. Prem Narayan, Director, JNNURM, Ministry of Urban Development, “Corporate Governance a 360 degree View” by Ms Reenu Gupta, Assistant Professor , Delhi University and many more.

During the Case Study on “The Failing relation between the employer and the employee- A case study of recent incidents in Maruti Suzuki Plant Manesar” by Dr Dhruv Jyoti Bhattacharya, Assistant Professor, Siliguri, University of North Bengal, the speaker brought out the significant transformation witnessed by Industry in terms of changing concepts of Corporate Governance, the role of CEOs and the fluctuating role of Corporate boards, leading to growing miscommunication, making it difficult for decision makers to implement the decisions. Referring to the unfortunate incident, the speaker opined, “forming an association, which the workers at Maruti Plant wanted, is a fundamental right of every citizen of the citizen and the management of every organization should honor this right. Even Trade Union Centre of India made a statement nailing the main cause behind the tragic incident as the absolute reluctance of the management of Maruti to have a Union of their choice. Some Analysts consider the Indian labour laws to be outdated, making the clashes between the employer and employee inevitble. The various State Governments which boast of the development of their respective States due large MNCs like that of Maruti Suzuki, tend to forget the welfare of their employees, ignoring the animosities brewing between the workers and employees at workplace. Managements as well as State Governments have to let go off their lackadaisical approach and wake up to the woes of workers and employees in public and private enterprises, which would make a better working environment and would lead to enhanced productivity.