
04 Jul 2012|Noida | Amity University Campus Sector-125 Noida

Amity starts “Legal Assistants Course” for Defence Personnel

Amity Institute of Education and Training (AIET) started 14 weeks “Legal Assistants Course” for Defence Personnel at Amity University, Sector-125, Noida. The Course is being attended by 20 Defence Personnel.

The inaugural ceremony was graced by Maj. Gen Pramod Behl- Director General Resettlement (DGR), Maj. Gen. (Retd.) Nilendra Kumar- Director, Amity Law School, Noida and Brig. A K Bhanot- Director, Training, Amity Institute of Education and Training.

Addressing the august gathering, Maj. Gen Pramod Behl- Director General Resettlement (DGR) said that in Arms Force Tribunal, there is a great demand of clerical staff who are well equipped with the nuances of Law and could help advocates in framing of documents. Taking into consideration this growing demand, “Legal Assistance Course” has been started with the assistance of Amity University. After the completion of the course, the Defence Personnel could easily join Arms Force Tribunal and can even get jobs in their own cities or states. He called upon all the participants of the course to try gain maximum out of the course and after the completion of the course, get themselves registered with DGR so that they could be informed with the latest information with reference to Arms Force Tribunal.

Sharing his views, Maj. Gen. (Retd.) Nilendra Kumar- Director, Amity Law School, Noida said that in the field of legal assistance, the framing of cases and other important legal procedures are either carried out by advocates themselves or by people with little or no knowledge of law. “Legal Assistants should know how to compile the documents related to the case, work on them and other nitty gritties pertaining the case, which is possible only if they have sound legal knowledge, “ stressed Maj. Gen (Retd.)Nilendra Kumar. He informed that “Legal Assistants Course” started by Amity University will brace the participants with all the qualities that are required to become successful and proficient Legal Assistants. As part of the Course, the participants will also visit courts to observe the pratical functioning of the Courts.

Also present during the occasion were faculty members from Amity Law School, Noida and other senior members, Directors and Head of the Instituitions of Amity University.