
25 Mar 2010-26 Mar 2010|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences organises National Psychological festival “Abhivyakti’10 – Power of Expression”

Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences & Amity Institute of Behavioural and Allied Sciences organized its National Psychological Festival “Abhivyakti’10 – Power of Expression” on the theme “Stimulating Human Excellence for Holistic growth: Self & Society” at Amity University, Noida Campus, Sector-125

The chief guest for the inauguration of the seminar was Prof. Sunil Kumar, Member, Managing Committee and Coordinator Value Education & Self Development, Ramakrishna Mission, Dr. Sunil Mittal, Chairman and Managing Director, Delhi Psychiatry Centre. Also present on the occasion were Major Gen. K. Jai Singh, Executive Sr. Vice President, RBEF & Vice Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Prof. (Dr.) B. Shukla, Pro-VC (A), Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Prof. Abha Singh, Director, Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences.

Prof. Sunil Kumar, Member, Managing Committee and Coordinator Value Education & Self Development, Ramakrishna Mission presented his inaugural address and enlightened the audience by saying that one should look for the source of perfection within one’s own self. Every individual have enough potential. But the major thing is to bring out the potential in an individual. Our Indian psychology teaches us that what we try to study is actually within us which we have to feel and experience it. The entire modern science is working for attaining knowledge which is called Prataksya Praman. The light of consciousness directly helps in making judgments. The education system which we are following today is that of soldiers and traders. So we need to think, plan and act in the basis of long term prospects.

Dr. Sunil Mittal, Chairman and Managing Director, Delhi Psychiatry Centre said that all professionals and students move through a learning process. The journey of learning starts the moment one feels that learning is essential. We need to transfer ourselves from limited perspective to a broader perspective connecting to more people of the society. The stimulator of sensitivity and self growth si to have a responsibility to the society and to the other beings of the society too. The key to excellence is to awake from ignorance. Knowledge arises from information which ultimately leads to perfection. Success comes in real terms when one achieves excellence in whatever work one does. So the basic universal value is to comes from the virtues which we have in ourselves. But it is essential that we have to firmly understand it A wholesome and holistic growth is seen in every aspect. Otherwise it would be lopsided. There should be a discovery of self and growth. Gurus plays very significant role in one’s life. They are the path showers and the knowledge which is imparted by the teachers is worth worshipping. If the blessing and grace of guru is there one can achieve their holistic growth.

Prof. (Dr.) B. Shukla, Pro-VC (A), Amity University Uttar Pradesh in her inaugural address said that excellence is an individual choice which depends where an individual’s focus lies. At present times there is cut throat competition, too much work pressure at office, home, and dominance of genders. These problems have aggravated many folds. Social life and relationships are changing as social dimensions are changed. One’s personal life depends a lot on the performance of the individual. She also added that along with academics interpersonal relationship and conducts are of at most significance. One should have one’s own yardstick of excellence which makes one balanced in the holistic aspect.

Prof. Abha Singh, Director, Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences while acknowledging the audience with her views on the theme of the festival said that our major concern is to harmonize the students with society and to bring positive change in the country and to share general responsibilities to the world at large. We tried to bring psycho social themes to stimulate human growth in the holistic aspect. It is a general platform for the youth through the youth for bringing optimal energy to excel in the fields they choose. Awareness drives an individual to excellence. The utmost important thing in life is to understand self and go through an inner journey and understand the values so that one can sustain balance in personal as well as in the global aspects which would lead to awakening in the real sense.