
07 Mar 2010|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

National Law University, Jodhpur wins 9th Amity National Moot Court Competition by Amity Law School, Delhi

9th Amity National Moot Court Competition organized by Amity Law School, Delhi concluded today with the felicitation of the winners by Hon’ble Mr. Justice K. G. Balakrishnan, Chief Justice of India and Mr. Arun Jaitley, M. P and Leader of Opposition, Rajya Sabha. The competition was organized to hone the advocacy talents of the students, assess their knowledge of the nuances of the law and give them a feel of the real court proceedings. This year’s competition was based on the issues relating to “Intellectual Property Law/Constitutional Law and Administrative Law”.

Welcoming the distinguished guests, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Universe averred that Indian brains are the best and there is no comparison of Indian lawyers worldwide. He stressed that Law students can learn a lot from Moot Court Competitions which provide them an opportunity to interact with eminent law fraternity and the learning they imbibe from such competitions has no parallel. He urged students to make the best out of such competitions.

Sharing his views during the valediction of Amity National Moot Court Competition, Hon’ble Mr. Justice K. G. Balakrishnan, Chief Justice of India said “The role of Lawyers is pivotal in any liberal democracy. The similar role was played by lawyers in our freedom movement as well as the framing of our constitution. In order to sustain and deepen the healthy democratic system, it is important for law students to imbibe values such as respect for those who hold contrary views, the willingness to resolve differences through constructive dialogue and sensitivity to the needs of the poor and disadvantaged sections of the society. It goes without saying that our Law colleges need to serve as incubators of these values. There are several challenges that need to be overcome to pursue this agenda, the foremost being the resource constraints faced by our law colleges all over the country, which are finding it difficult to attract motivated teachers. There are several underlined reasons for the same- one of them being that the talented law graduates are increasingly driven to the more lucrative career options. We should devise methods to attract some of the best talent to the teaching line, after all any law college needs highly qualified and motivated faculty members to train the students in the careers in the bar and the judiciary, The knowledge that is imparted through rigorous and engaging classroom discussions often proves to be an important influence in future career of the students. Another aspect which needs our attention is overall expectations from legal education. While a law degree does enable a person to enroll as an advocate, the curriculum must also take into consideration the broader mandates of sensitizing students about social, economic and political realities. Legal education must promote a strong interdisciplinary agenda, disciplines such as Political Science, Sociology, Economics, Literature and Philosophy enrich our understanding of the evolution of the laws and helps us engineer reforms for the future. Students passing out of the law colleges have a wonderful career now- a days, lot of opportunities exists in the profession. The only thing is that you have to work hard and make use of these opportunities”.

Advising the budding lawyers, Mr. Arun Jaitley, M. P and Leader of Opposition, Rajya Sabha said, “Some of you will grow very rapidly. The potential for growth is huge. India is an overpopulated country there is lot of crowding at the bottom but for those who have the ability to achieve excellence there is always a lot of space available at the top. The world is increasingly becoming very competitive and cruel, it works on the principle of “Survival of the Fittest” and therefore, what background you come from, what extent your family is able to support you after the initial few years will completely become redundant. There will be those who move on to the fast track and there will be those who confined themselves to mediocrity. I think the space of the fast track is very wide and therefore, for those who get into the legal profession there is a huge scope and the best of the scope is yet to come. There is lot of space for excellence and unless you reach the target of attaining that standard of excellence, I think you will not be able to fully utilize the inputs that have gone into the development of your personalities”.

Prof. M. K. Balachandran- Director, Amity Law School, New Delhi shared the proud achievements of the students of Amity Law School.

Winning Team from National Law University, Jodhpur was given a Rolling Trophy and a cash prize of Rs. 10, 000 and Runner-Up team from NALSAR, Hyderabad was felicitated with a trophy and a cash prize of Rs. 5,000. The Best Memorial Award went to the team of NALSAR, Hyderabad. Niharika from NALSAR, Hyderabad was announced the Best Speaker. Best Researcher Award was lifted by Prabhat Kumar from NALSAR, Hyderabad.

Also present during the occasion were Dr. Mahesh Kumar- Owner, Kailash Hospitals, Advocate Arun Mohan, Mr. Lalit Bhasin- Eminent Advocate and Honorary President, Amity Law School, Delhi, Mr. Atul Chauhan- Chancellor, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh and many other Senior Directors and faculty members of Amity.