
10 Oct 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Mr. Saurabh Jain, Founder, OpenClass and Director, SKJ Technologies Private Ltd delivers lecture on Introduction to Mobile Apps and Blackberry 10 Platform at Amity School of Engineering & Technology

The Guest Lecture on Introduction to Mobile Apps and Blackberry 10 Platform was organized by Amity CSI Student Branch, Amity School of Engineering and Technology on October 10, 2013.


The lecture was organized for the students of B. Tech & M. Tech Programmes to enlighten them on the innovative and rising world of Mobile Applications. The faculty members from Department of Information Technology also attended the lecture.

The speaker for the lecture was Mr. Saurabh Jain, Founder, OpenClass and Director, SKJ Technologies Private Ltd. He is a BlackBerry Elite and the founder of BlackBerry Developer Group India. He has been developing apps for last 11 years and has written India's first book on J2ME. He is an entrepreneur and loves to do research on mobile app technologies.

He is also the founder of OpenClass (community of mobile and web app developers) and has been a guest faculty at some of the most renowned institutions in North India like DTU, BIT. He has patents on NEURO SYMBOLIC NETWORK GENERATION AND EXECUTION SYSTEM and PERSONAL PERSISTENT MESSAGING SYSTEM to his credit.

During his lecture, he has given Introduction to Blackberry platform. He said that BlackBerry platform is a dominant mobile platform and we aim to help mobile and web developers to start developing for it. We plan regular activities like meetups, workshops, competitions and other events to bring existing BlackBerry developers together and also to enable new developers to interact and learn from the community. He discussed various Mobile Applications further in his session. He has also given a brief exposure to HTML5.

It was an interactive session and the speaker asked many questions to students about the upcoming apps and the best answer was rewarded a gift hamper from Amity CSI Student Branch.

The session ended with a presentation of a memento to our speaker Mr. Saurabh Jain as a token of gratitude by Ms. Nitasha Hasteer, Acting Head, Department of Information Technology and faculty members.