
26 Sep 2013|Noida | Amity Central Library

Central Library - Amity University organises Author Talk with Dr. Basheerahmed Shadrach

Central Library - Amity University organised "Author Talk" with renowned author Dr. Basheerahmed Shadrach on the book Nenasela: “The Srilankan Telecentre Experience on September 26, 2013.

The Author Talk was held at Central Library where the author Dr. B Shadrach who is well known for his pioneering initiatives in the field of knowledge management and ICT for Development is presently with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.


About 100 students interested in the subject were present. Central Library Director Dr Rangashri Kishore and Prof. Ravi Prakash, Director – Amity School of Engineering & Technology introduced the author to the audience who spoke about the telecentre initiatives in Srilanka and his experiences.

The details of the books are available at the web link - written by Dr. Basheerahmed Shadrach.