
19 Sep 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity School of Engineering & Technology organises Guest Lecture in Six Sigma

Department of Computer Scienceand Engineering, Amity School of Engineering & Technology organized a guestLecture on SIX SIGMA on September 19, 2013 from 14:30-16:00 hours atE2-Seminar Hall. Lecture was delivered by the. Mr. Prabodh Kumar, B.Tech.(Mech. Engg.) IIT Kanpur, DBM Management Consultant, Corporate Strategy &Operational Excellence.

Lecture started with welcomeaddress by Prof. (Dr.) Abhay Bansal, Head of the Department, Computer Science& Engineering, ASET and Director, DICET. Being highly conversant with SixSigma, Lean Manufacturing, SAP, ISO 9000/14000/18000, Mr. Prabodh Kumarintroduced the concept and importance of Six Sigma very efficiently. Theseminar was also attended by CSE faculty members and B.Tech. CSE 3rd year andM.Tech. CSE 1st year students.

Mr. Prabodh Kumar explained that SixSigma as a data driven approach focused on improving the quality of processoutputs by identifying and removing the causes of defects / errors (not thesymptoms) and minimizingvariability in design, manufacturing and business processes. The concept of SixSigma can be used in various projects like defect reduction, yield improvement,improved customer satisfaction and higher net income. He also revealed interestingfacts related to the concept like a Six Sigma process produces3.4 Defects per Million Opportunities – DPMO and explained in detail theimplementation of this concept using DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improveand Control).

Lecturecame to an end with an interactive Q&A session where the students asked quite intelligent andcaptivating questions. The Guest Lecture concluded successfully with Prof.(Dr.) Abhay Bansal presenting a memorandum to Mr. Prabodh Kumar and vote ofthanks by Ms. Garima Mehta.