
06 Sep 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity Institute of Physiotherapy organizes “BONE DENSITY & FITNESS CAMP” on World Physiotherapy Day

Onthe occasion of World Physiotherapy Day, Amity Institute of Physiotherapy conducted “BONE DENSITY & FITNESS CAMP” for students, faculty membersand staff at Amity Campus, Sector- 125, Noida

Duringthe Camp, Vital Examination (Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Weight, Height, BMI),Flexibility Test, Balance Test, Endurance Test were also done free of charge bythe students of Amity Institute of Physiotherapy.

Morethan 260 people were screened during the Camp.

TheCamp was inaugurated by Dr Harpreet Singh (PT), AIIMS, New Delhi; Dr Ashu Gupta(PT), Head, Sports Injury Centre, Safdarjung Hospital; Dr. Preeti Roy- Senior Physiotherapist - Sports Injury Centre, Safdarjung Hospital, Dr. Meenakshi Madwal- Senior Physiotherapist - Sports Injury Centre, Safdarjung Hospital, Dr. Balvinder Shukla- Acting Vice Chancellor, Amity University, Lt. Gen. P.D. Bhargava- Hon’ble  Group Deputy Vice Chancellor, Amity University and Dr. S.S. Agrawal- Advisor, Faculty of Health Science, Amity University.

Welcomingthe august gathering, Dr. Harshita Sharma (PT) -Acting Head & Dy. Director, Amity Institute of Physiotherapy traced the history of World Physiotherapy Day and stressed that World Physiotherapy Day is observed worldwide to celebrate the spirit of health and fitness. “Fitness is just not for elite but it is for everybody who is willing to strive for it. It can be achieved through a little bit of rational thinking and with control over lifestyle.” remarked Dr. Sharma. She informed the gathering about the Physiotherapy Degree/Diploma programmes that are run under the Institute and the programmes that are in the pipeline for next academic year.

Speaking during the occasion, Dr Harpreet Singh(PT),AIIMS, New Delhi expressed his joy for being the part of “World Physiotherapy Day” celebrations at Amity University. He called upon all the budding physiotherapists to be proud of the career they have chosen for themselves since a Physiotherapist’s job involves a lot of responsibility and he has lot to contribute to the society. He advised physiotherapy students to create their identity in the society and consider themselves as experts in maintaining and improving the movement in the patients. He stressed that physiotherapy students should not be complacent in their approach; they should keep themselves updated and working with utmost dedication and sincerity bring laurels to their profession.

Sharing her views with the gathering and wishing “World Physiotherapy Day”, Dr. Balvinder Shukla- Acting Vice Chancellor, Amity University said that good heath is a prerogative of everybody and it heavily depends upon the diet and lifestyle of a person. She called upon the gathering and specially the youngsters to improve the quality of diet they consume and motivated them to switch over from fad diets and carbonated drinks to healthy food and milk since their today’s intake of diet will effect their tomorrow. She congratulated Amity Institute of Physiotherapy for meticulously organizing the event.

Dr Ashu Gupta (PT), HoD, Sports Injury Centre, Safdarjung Hospital while sharing his views, stated that fitness does not mean six pack abs; it encompasses mind, body and soul. To be called fit, a person needs to have healthy mind, body and soul. He remarked that with the changing times,the role of Physiotherapists is widening and they have growing demand in the society. Now, physiotherapists are involved in right from prevention of injuries to post injury rehabilitation. He called upon the students to make the best possible use of their college resources and become efficient Physiotherapists, serving the society.

The event concluded with colorful cultural programme by Physiotherapy students which includedSkit, Cultural Dance and Quiz