
23 Aug 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity Institute of Telecom Engineering & Management organises a Guest Lecture on ‘Future of Telecom’

Amity Institute of Telecom Engineering & Management organized aguest lecture for MBA – Telecom Management, M. Tech (TSE + OEOC) and B Tech(E&T) students by Mr. Arvind Bali;Director and CEO of VideoconTelecommunications Limited along with CEO of Global CPT - Videocon IndustriesLimited.

Mr. Bali startedhis lecture with key statistics onsubscribers’ number, Tele-density, investment and revenue generation. He explained Evolution of Mobile Telephony and current Global Trends in Telecom. Globallytelecom is changing from voice centric to data centric. In India, thoughData traffic is increasing exponentially but it is much below the Data trafficin some of the other developing countries. Mr. Bali also covered Challenges faced by Telecom Industry andFuture Trends and Strategies.

Hebrought out how hyper completion is impacting revenue but at the same timeincreasing cost.

Future Trends and Strategies were coveredunder following heads:-

1.                             Optimization ofcore business and out sourcing for non core area.

2.                             Increasing trendson the use of social networking, entertainment and data centric applicationresulting in  increased in data uses, ofBroadband Networks

3.                             Evaluate differentparameters for building future Broadband Networks and comparing the prevailingtechnologies with them.

4.                             Emerging MobileVAS which willoutpace traditional revenue streams through multiple service offerings.

In theQ&A round good number and thought provoking questions were raised by students’.

Mr. Harminder Dhillon,Chief HR accompanied Mr. Bali. He was very much impressed with the questionsput forwarded by students