
05 Oct 2013|Noida | AIMA Lodhi Road, New Delhi

Amity Business School wins 10th National Competition for Management Students organized by All India Management Association

Amity Business School is a premier Management Institute imparting high quality management education with a view to create a pool of world class managerial talent. Students of Amity Business School have won many accolades by winning prestigious events all over the country. Students of Amity Business School have again brought laurels and made Amity proud by winning prestigious 10th National Competition for Management Students (NCMS) organized by All India Management Association (AIMA).


The wining team comprising of Mr. Abhijeet Verma and Mr. Prafful Ratna Aggrawal, students of MBA (Marketing & Sales) of Amity Business School received a cash prize of Rs. 25,000/- along with trophies and certificates.

The Grand Finale was held at AIMA Lodhi Road, New Delhi and was adjudged by the National Jury, chaired by Ms. Veena Swarup (Director, Human Resource, Engineers India Limited), Mr. Arunav Banerjee (President, Soil Innovation Board), Col. Sunil Chandra (Vice President, Sujan Luxury Hotels), Mr. John Mathai (Addl. General Manager, NTPC), Mr. Pranav Kaul (HR consultant, Ministry of Environment and Forest, Govt. of India).

The theme of this year competition was “Inspired Leadership in Turbulent Times and the Power of Youth”.  The competition was held across the country with the regional rounds being held in New Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore and Mumbai.  Twelve teams, who were the winners of regional rounds, competed for the grand finale. All the teams gave their ten minute presentations to a high profile jury on the above mentioned theme, which was then followed by a Question and Answer session. The team from Amity University focused on the point that turbulent times can be categorised into Internal, Social, Economic/Organizational and Environmental turbulences. They also focused on the fact that cohesion between a leader and youth is required, they portrayed the same using their Cohesion Model of Leader-Youth dyad emphasizing on a close relation and association between the two.          


This annual competition provides a unique platform to budding managers to exhibit their talent & leadership skills, thereby win recognition to excellence. It also provides an excellent opportunity for them to demonstrate their knowledge, creativity, experience, professional prowess to become ‘Leaders of Tomorrow’. Through this competition the students are encouraged to create an innovation framework that would help today’s enterprises to unlock its full potential.  The competition is designed to provide management students a unique platform to hone their knowledge and test their business acumen to battle with the best in the country. It provided opportunities to the budding student managers to develop analytical capabilities demonstrate self-confidence, leadership and enhance presentation skills.


The Grand Finale was preceded by the preliminary short-listing Northern regional round held on 30th September and 1st October, 2013 at Amity University Campus, Noida in which 46 teams participated from various esteemed institutions like Delhi University, JRE Delhi and IISWBM Kolkata. The Regional rounds were held at New Delhi for the Northern region, Bangalore for Southern region, Kolkata for Eastern and Mumbai for Western region.  158 teams participated from various renowned Institutes of the country for this event.