
28 Sep 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

3 months Training Programme for over 500 POs of Allahabad Bank concludes at Amity University

Threemonth training programme conducted by Amity Institute of Training and Developmentfor 500 Probationary Officers (POs) of Allahabad Bank concluded today at AmityCampus, Sector-125, Noida.

Welcomingthe distinguished gathering, Shri K.S. Bains, IAS (Retd.) – Advisor,Amity Institute of Training and Development (AITD) expressed that it is forthe first time that a Public Sector Bank has taken an initiative to providesuch a long, intensive and focused training programme to its employees in alarge number. It reflects the vision and mission of Allahabad Bank to takeorganization to a higher growth trajectory. He called upon the Probationaryofficers to be happy and contended with their first postings irrespective ofthe distance factor and rural/urban profile and encouraged them to serve thebank with full dedication and devotion, keep the interest of the bank higherthan their own personal interests.

Sharinghis views and motivating the POs bubbling with unparallel confidence andenergy, Mr. Arun Tiwari- Executive Director, Allahabad Bank said thatnow, they are stepping into the most important part of their lives and aresetting their feet at the altar of professionalism. He shared that Banking,being the service industry, depends heavily upon customers; without customersthere is no Balance Sheet and no P&L statement. “Customer is paramount andservice should be delivered with empathy. What you expect from others, youshould extend the same to your customers. Every client that walks into the bankshould go out as a permanent customer”, expressed Mr. Tiwari. He remarked thatreal banking can be learnt in small branches in small areas, which gives a lotof exposure to all the banking staff.He called upon the POs to be knowledgeworkers, harnessing the benefits of Information technology, take wellcalculated risks and develop a hunger for learning new things throughout theirlives.

Addressing theofficers, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group said thatthey have been trained to face every challenge in their profession; BehavioralScience (which was taught to them, as part of the training ) would help them todeal with every customer related issue and at the same time, generate bettercustomer loyalty for the bank. Addressing them as the Faces and BrandAmbassadors of Allahabad Bank, Dr. Chauhan called upon them to be responsibleand ethical in all their dealings since, the customers may not be able to meetor interact with the senior management of the Bank but they will adjudge thequality of the management of the Bank through the Bank officers they interactwith. Dr. Chauhan wished them greater heights and success in their careers andexpressed that he would keep a track of their career progression personally,since they all have become alumni of Amity University.

Addressingthe trainees from Allahabad Bank as “Future Governors of Allahabad Bank”, Mr.Partha Dev Datta- General Manager, Allahabad Bank, New Delhi Zone apprisedall the POs with the fast career progression that is offered in Allahabad Bankto all its employees and motivated them to scale the peak of their respectiveprofiles with hard work, honesty and dedication.

Presentinga brief report about the training programme, Maj. Vinod Krishna- Director,Amity Institute of Training and Development (AITD) said that over 500 POsattended the 13 weeks training which commenced on July 1, 2013, aimed to groomthe POs in such a way that they can serve the branches right away.He sharedthat over 218 sessions were taken during the training programme by 19 trainersfrom Amity, 18 trainers from Allahabad Bank and 17 Guest Speakers. He alsotouched upon the various leisure activities that were planned for the POsduring the training programme including “Hindi Divas”, “Cricket Matches” and“DJ Night”.

Soundingnostalgic to leave Amity and sharing their experience of the trainingprogramme, Mr. Ankit Jain and Ms. Akanksha – POs from Allahabad Bank expressedtheir gratitude to Allahabad Bank and Amity University for reposing trust intheir capabilities and training them thoroughly to face the ground realities inthe Banking Sector. They applauded the relevance of the trainingprogramme, fruitful ambience of Amity, the dedicated and supportive facultymembers which made Amity their home away from home.

Dr.Sanjay Srivastava- Dean, Faculty of Management Studies, Dr. Alka Munjal – Director, Academics, Amity University and Ms. Taranjeet Duggal- Amity Business School whotrained the POs  shared how fruitful and mutually enriching and engagingexperience it was to train the young and energetic POs and wished them successin their careers ahead.

Duringthe programme, trainers from Amity taught various modules to the probationaryofficers including a mix of soft skills and technical skills such as “Legacy ofIndia’s Banking Industry”, “Regulatory Framework”, “Customer Relations”,“Banking Operations”, “IT based Core Banking Solution (CBS)”, “Team Building,Motivation & Leadership”, “Customer Relations & Management” and“Customer Service”.