
24 Sep 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity Law School, Noida organises Hindi Debate Competition

Amity Law School, Noida organized a Hindi Debate onTuesday 24th September  2013. Thetopic of the debate was: “Should the rapist get the benefit get the benefit ofbeing a minor?”  Twenty-one law schools tookpart, and the event was a full day event, with the debates being held inongoing classrooms during the day and the grand finale in the afternoon. Thefinale between Symbiosis Noida and Amity Law School, Noida, Team 4,  took everyone by surprise by the zeal andgutsiness of speakers from both sides, who volleyed their ideas in excellentlevel Hindi, which impressed even the chief guests present for the Valedictoryfunction.

In this welcome address, Major-General Nilendra Kumarhighlighted the importance of such an event which is unique in the annals ofIndian legal education. He also emphasized the transparency and fairness of theevaluation system and announced that such an event will be from now on anannual event for ALSN.

The  Special Guest, Ms Nidhi Kulpati, senioranchor journalist at NDTV, in her address, spoke about the role of the mediaand the issue of the juvenile involved in the Dec 16 gangrape case in Delhi andhighlighted the reformatory process behind the decision. She stressed onwhether this is  not something to make usactually think on our own legal system, comparing it to legal systems in UK, USand Pakistan. She concluded that changes are taking place in society and themindset of people, to which such debates contribute by creating awareness.

The Guest of Honour, MrMukhtar A. Naqvi, Vice-President of BJP and M.P of Rajya Sabha for his partcongratulated the students for their excellent Hindi, and reflected that lawsare there, but they need to be implemented properly. If this is done, then nochanges or new laws are required. However, he stressed that there is a needfor  judicial, police and electoralreforms, of which the  most important isthe police reform. He explained that India is a beautiful democracy where asimple man can shake the system and exhorted the students not to hesitate toraise their voices  in the face ofinjustice and unfairness.

The Chief Guest for theevent, Justice Dr A.S Anand, former CJI and head of NHRC, and former judge ofJK High Court, author of an excellent book on Constitution of JK, spoke of the Juvenile Justice Act 1986, and stressedthat collective consciousness is important. There must be a change in attitudetowards crime and criminals. He stressed that age is a debatable issue,  and what is important is the teaching ofvalues and ethics to our children so that they grow up with the right ethics.He congratulated Amity Law School Noida to organise such an event which willcontribute to the changes in attitude towards women in society.

The winners were as follows:

1st Prize ( Rs 3000 cash + many othergifts) – Tanushree Pandey & Anjali Dixit – Symbiosis Law College, Noida

Runner-up- ( Rs 2500 cash + gifts) – Avijit Singh& Nilesh Kumar, Amity Law School Noida

Best Speaker ( Non-Amity) – Ishani Awasthi-Symbiosis  Law College Noida-

Best Speaker ( Amity) – Nilesh Kumar, ALSN

Both speakers got Rs 2000cash prize and many other gifts.

A memento was presented byDirector ALSN to Justice Dr A.S. Anand to commemorate this event.

Dr Kavita Surbhi gave the vote of thanks, where she thanked all her teamand everyone who have contributed to make this event a success