
24 Sep 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity Institute of Microbial Technology observes its “9th Foundation Day”

Amity Institute of Microbial Technology (AIMT) observed its “9th Foundation Day” at Amity Campus, Sector- 125, Noida.

During the occasion, Mr. Marijn Leijten-Director, Netherlands Agro, Food and Technology Centre (NAFTC)- India, Dr. Rudolf Grimm- Adjunct Professor,University of California in Davis and Professor, Chungham National University,South Korea, Dr. Anil Wali-Managing Director, Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer (FITT), IIT Delhi and Mr. Aseem Chauhan- Chancellor, Amity University, Rajasthan shared their views.

Welcomingthe august gathering, Dr. Ajit Varma- Vice Chairman, Amity Science, Technology and Innovation Foundation and Distinguished Scientist, Amity Institute of Microbial Technology (AIMT) shared a brief report about the programmes offered by the Institute, placement record, National and International workshops organized by the Institute, various R&D initiatives, Patents filed and research papers published by scientists and faculty members. He apprised audience of “Rootonic- the Magic Fungus”- a unique innovative product developed by Dr. Varma and his faculty which aids in early seed germination, provides resistance against diseases, improves soil fertility and boost the growth of the plant.

Mr. Aseem Chauhan- Chancellor, Amity University, Rajasthan congratulated Dr. Ajit Varma for the immense R&D initiatives taken by Amity Institute of Microbial Technology under his able leadership and guidance.

Sharing his views, Mr. Marijn Leijten-Director, Netherlands Agro, Food and Technology Centre (NAFTC)- India said that that Netherlands is a small country with a population of just 16 million but the people there believe in agricultural enhancement through technology, as  a result of which they have developed advanced technologies which could be adopted by other countries.He remarked that India needs to improve its cold storage facilities, increase the shelf life of its products in the wake of rapid economic development in cities. He briefed audience with “Golden Triangle” Technology which is adopted in the agriculture sector of Netherlands, involving joint participation of Private Business, Academia and Government in agriculture to enhance the know-how and final yield. He opined that “Golden Triangle” Technology can be successfully applied in Indian agriculture sector which will improve the efficiency and productivity of the fields, suppress inflation and check unnecessary wastage of agricultural produce from farm to fork.

Addressing the gathering, Dr. Rudolf Grimm- Adjunct Professor, University of Californiain Davis and Professor, Chungham National University, South Korea shared his research on Biological study of the stomach contents of the oldest human ice mummy- “Frozen Fritz”. He informed that “Frozen Fritz” (died almost 5, 300 years back) was discovered by German tourists in 1991 at the border of Australia and Italy. He outlined that through Genomics, Proteomics, Metallomics, Metabolamics, age of the mummy, his built, body structure, ther eason of his death etc. was ascertained and how several inferences were drawn about human bodies and mummies.

Dr.Anil Wali-Managing Director, Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer(FITT), IIT Delhi briefed audience about the working of FITT, IIT Delhi; how it enables collaborative R&D, supports Techno-Entrepreneurship through Incubator. He called upon Academia and Research labs to take industry help for unlocking the value of their knowledge, move from short term project based to long term relationships and foster complimentary collaboration to bridge lab-market gaps.

Duringthe occasion, a MoU was signed between Prathistha Industries Limited, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh and Amity Institute of Microbial Technology to facilitate joint research projects, consultancy, contract research,internship/dissertation of students between both the institutions.

Prathista Industries Limited, is one of the Asia's largest Industrial Fermentation establishments dealing with various Microbes / Fungus for production of eco-friendly products to cater the needs of Multi segments like Pharma &Food, Animal Health Care and Agro Bio-Technology, Organic solvents and Bio Fuel etc,.

Mr.Rakesh Sharma- Vice President, Prathistha Industries Limited signed the MoU on behalf of Prathistha who confirmed that Pratistha will commercialize “Piriformospora Indica” developed by AIMT and export it to all the 17 countries Prathistha is dealing in.