
01 Sep 2013|Noida | Hotel Hyatt, New Delhi

Amity Law School, Noida awarded with the prestigious “Institutional Leadership Award” by The Society of Indian Law Firms (SILF) and Menon Institute of Legal Advocacy Training (MILAT)

On 5th Law Teachers’ Day,Amity Law School, Noida has been awarded the prestigious “InstitutionalLeadership Award” by The Society of Indian Law Firms (SILF) and Menon Instituteof Legal Advocacy Training (MILAT) during Annual Law Symposium on “Educationand Training for Court Managers” at New Delhi.

SILF- MILAT Award recognizes the bestrun colleges in the country assessed in terms of infrastructure, studentwelfare, governance structure, academic autonomy and community engagementprogrammes including legal aid services.

Hon’ble Mr. Justice Badar Durrez Ahmed-Acting Chief Justice, Delhi High Court; Hon’ble Mr. Justice Deepak Verma-Chairman of Jury, Law Awards and Mr. Fali S. Nariman- President Emeritus, BarAssociation of India conferred the Award on Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- FounderPresident, Amity Group, Dr. (Mrs.) Amita Chauhan- Chairperson, AmityInternational Schools and Maj. Gen. Nilendra Kumar- Director, Amity Law School,Noida in the presence of legal luminaries.

Accepting the Award, Dr. Ashok KChauhan- Founder President, Amity Group thanked SILF- MILAT foracknowledging the contribution of Amity Law School, Noida in contributingresponsible, ethical and dedicated lawyers to the country’s legal system andassured that lawyers nurtured by Amity Law School would bring laurels to thecountry and spread its fame across the world

Addressing the gathering, Hon’bleMr. Justice Badar Durrez Ahmed- Acting Chief Justice, Delhi High Court saidthat good teaching makes good students and law teachers give reins of societyin the students’ hands. The law teachers are immensely contributing to thesociety therefore, their efforts should be recognized and rewarded. He stressedthat the time has come for law students to become court managers and learn thetechniques court management. He called upon Law teachers to teach courtmanagement techniques and judgment writing to the budding lawyers so thatjustice delivery system is faster. Students should be taught the use oftechnology, which would make them better equipped in the Court.

Sharing his views, Hon’ble Mr.Justice Deepak Verma- Chairman of Jury, Law Awards remarked that failure isa better teacher of Success. He lamented the gradual deterioration of judicialsystem and pointed towards the dearth of good advocates and good lawyers. Hestressed that with 5 years integrated course, it will still take few more yearsto get good lawyers. He called upon the budding lawyers to master the art ofadvocacy, understand court craft and court etiquettes. They should focus moreon library and do serious study and research work. He stressed that not manystudents pursuing 5 years Law programs prefer to join the Courts whereas anadvocate’s real worth is demonstrated when he argues cases in the Court ratherthan join MNCs’. He expressed that with the changing legal scenario; by 2020there would be more mediators than litigators. Hon’ble Mr. Justice DeepakVerma called upon the law teachers to take pro-active steps in teaching andinitiate socio- economic transformation through law. He implored them toproduce rural legal service lawyers who could act as public defenders invillages and rural areas.

Mr. Fali S. Nariman- PresidentEmeritus, Bar Association of India remarked that there should be a method through which good lawteachers could be cloned otherwise, very soon, there will be a gap betweenteaching and practice. Teachers deserve to be remembered and rewarded for thehard work they have been doing in nurturing responsible lawyers of the country.Teachers are thought moulders of the citizens of the country .He stressed thatthe time has come for law teachers to come in  front and fulfill theexpectations that the country and its people have from them.

Sharinghis views, Mr. Lalit Bhasin- President,The Society of Indian Law Firms (SILF) said that on theoccasion of 5th Law Teachers’ Day, SILF is recognizing theachievements and hard work of law institutes and the Law teaching fraternity inthe country. It is very important to bring forth their immense contribution tothe country’s legal system and thereby, encourage them to achieve greatermilestones in future.