
13 Jul 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus Sector-125 Noida

UP Police need to be People Sensitive says Mr. Bhavesh Kumar, IG Meerut Zone during the inauguration of two day workshop at Amity University

Amity University, jointly with Noida Police, started a two day “Workshop on Responsibility of Police Department in Changing Environment and Expectations of Society” for Noida Police Personnel at Amity Campus, Sector- 125, Noida.

Mr. Bhavesh Kumar - IG Meerut Zone ; Dr. Ashok K Chauhan-Founder President, Amity Group; Dr. Preetinder Singh – SSP Noida; Mr. Anand Chauhan, Trustee – Ritnand Balved Education Foundation; Mr. Yogesh Singh - SP City Noida; Mr. R.P Singh, I.P.S, DG, Amity Institute of Training and Development for Police and Security Personnel inaugurated the workshop by lighting the lamp. Ms. Bharti Singh - SP (Crime) Noida; Ms. Shalini Singh - ASP Noida, were present during the inauguration of the Workshop.

Delivering the inaugural speech, Mr. Bhavesh Kumar - IG Meerut Zone said “UP Police Force is the biggest force in the country with a strength of around 1,80,000 personnel. Around 40,000 constables and 5,000 Sub Inspectors will be recruited in near future. However despite being big force, we are not able to fully meet the expectations of public”. Mr. Kumar raised his concern with the participants that how many family members of fellow Police Personnel will feel secure and confident while filing a complaint in the Police Station at midnight. “Expectation of public with Police is different; therefore we have to be responsible towards public”. Mr. Kumar said that the public perception for Police is not good; whatever our conduct is will be our image, so we have to be cautious and conscious with our work. Mr. Kumar added that only 2% people interact with police directly but 98% of people from an opinion only by seeing our conduct.

While sharing the future policing initiative, Mr. Kumar said that in months CCTNS Scheme will be launched through which computers will be connected to national level and every general diary, case diary will be computerized. Then any person can file his complaint even sitting at home. Mr. Kumar remarked that there is a need to take a vow to help common man since the person who approaches them is himself suffering. We need to build our image by respecting our uniform, behavior and good conduct then only we will be respected at par with International Police where people in foreign countries have strong faith in their police. Once we develop people confidence, we will also be provided with better amenities, houses and facilities.  We are answerable to public and therefore have a responsibility towards them, concluded Mr. Kumar.

Appreciating the efforts of Police, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group said that Police works day and night to safeguard the public and property yet they are criticized due to the their behavior. Dr. Chauhan added that due to good policing in Noida, parents feels safe for their children regarding safety and security. Dr. Chauhan said “through this training, I am sure Noida Police will meet People’s expectations.”

Dr. Preetinder Singh – SSP Noida said that this workshop is being organized with the inspiration of IG Meerut Zone and till now 6 workshops have already being conducted in the zone. Addressing the participating Police Personnel, Dr. Singh said “no improvement can be brought forward till the time we starts interacting with each other. You all have to attend the workshop as common person and learn the skills of stress management, behavior, communications etc.”

Mr. R.P Singh, I.P.S, DG, Amity Institute of Training and Development for Police and Security Personnel said that there is a special position for Police in a state. The working of Police Personnel is different is due to the uniform. All Police Personnel works day and night round the year. When all people celebrate festivals, you work to safeguard them. Mr Singh said that through this workshop the participants will learn the things like behavior, public dealing, communication skills etc which will help them to perform their duty better.

Over 550 police personnel are attending the Workshop on both the days during which trainers from Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences will conduct sessions on important topics such as “Development of Positive Outlook” , “Personality & Behavior, Behavior with Women and Children and related legal response”, “Communication Skills and Importance of Body Language”, “Different Provision of Arrest in relation to Human Rights”, “ General Rules of Traffic and Requirements from Traffic Police” and “Stress Management”.