
03 May 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Dr. W. Selvamurthy, President, Amity Science, Technology & Innovation Foundation delivers lecture on "NBC Defense Technologies: DRDO’s Achievements & Endeavors” during AIC lecture series

The Amity International Centre (AIC) organized 159th lecture under the AIC Lecture Series on the topic "NBC(Nuclear Biological and Chemical) Defense Technologies: DRDO’s Achievements & Endeavors” by Dr. W. Selvamurthy, President, Amity Science, Technology & Innovation Foundation & Chair Professor –Life Sciences at Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida.

Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group presided over the session.

During the informative and engrossing lecture, Dr. W. Selvamurthy who has worked for over 40 years with DRDO, talked about various Nuclear, Biological and Chemical weapons which although, do not pose a threat of overt war but could play havoc if possessed by non-state player or any eventuality takes place, similar to that of Bhopal Gas Tragedy. The erudite speaker shared various Chemical Warfare Agents such as Nerve Agents, Blistering Agents, Blood Agents, Lung Injurants, Psychic Incapacitants, Riot Control Agents and Toxins and Biological Agents such as Bacterial, Rickettsial, Fungal, Viral which could threaten the existence of human beings.

Dwelling on the ways to combat Nuclear Biological and Chemical (NBC) Emergencies, Dr. Selvamurthy  stressed that the first step is to Detect the emergency, which is followed by  Protection at Individual and collective levels, Decontamination of environment and finally, Medical Management of the causalities. The speaker shared various devices/instruments developed by DRDO with the support of industry to detect, protect and decontaminate radiation, unwanted chemical and biological release.

The lecture was followed by a Question and Answer session wherein the Directors/ HODs/ Institutional Heads, Scientists, Researchers and faculty members of Amity posed a volley of questions to the speaker.

 During the session, the likelihood and potential of Amity contributing to the innovative research conducted by DRDO was also discussed and deliberated. Dr. Selvamurthy called upon the distinguished scientists and researchers of Amity to convert basic technology into products which could be utilized for the benefit for masses, thereby stressing the need of “Frugal Innovation”