
15 Apr 2013|Noida | Institut Francais, Delhi

“Carnet de Voyage”- a French manual to boost French Tourism in India , launched by Mr. Aseem Chauhan- Chancellor, Amity University, Rajasthan

In order to familiarize French tourists with Indian culture and traditions and to empower and better equip the Guides dealing with French tourists in India, The Embassy of France in India and the Institut Francais launched a new manual in French titled “ Carnet de Voyage” authored by the faculty members of Amity University, Rajasthan (AUR) with the coordination of some students from AUR. The book is compiled under the supervision of Dominique Frin and Chantal Prost- Attachees for Cooperation in French Language, Embassy of France in India.


The book was released by Mr. Aseem Chauhan- Chancellor, Amity University, Rajasthan, Mr. Max Claudet- Counselor for Culture and Cooperation, Embassy of France in India, Mr. Subhash Goyal- President, Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO) and Mr. Narendra Singh Rathore- President, Tourist Guides Federation of India (TGFIA) during a glittering ceremony at Institut Francais, Delhi.


 Sharing his views about the book, Mr. Max Claudet expressed that “Carnet de Voyage” is a beautiful guide to the students who want to learn French culture and traditions in India and also, for the professionals (Guides, Receptionists, Travel Agents etc.) who are actively involved in promoting relationships between France and India. Guides are the first interface of French tourists in India, they give the first impression of India to the tourists and if the Tourists get good experience, they will spread the word in France. He stressed that the French tourists come in large numbers to India especially to North India including Rajasthan, Rudrapur and Jaisalmer and their number is increasing along with the number of Indian tourists visiting France, therefore, the book is a way to prepare for future. He acknowledged the contribution of Ms. Juliette Marion and Mr. Baptiste Chauveau – faculty members from Amity University, Rajasthan who have authored the book along with Mr. Leo Bezies- Gros.


Addressing the gathering, Mr. Aseem Chauhan- Chancellor, Amity University, Rajasthan appreciated Mr. Max Claudet who, Mr. Chauhan shared, has been a partner with Amity to propagate not only the French language but French culture throughout India. Amity is passionate about the internationalization of education and the book is the testimony to the same. Mr. Chauhan highlighted that Amity promotes foreign languages including French, German, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese amongst the students and disclosed that the maximum number of students are learning French language in Amity. Mr. Chauhan shared that few months back, the students from the Institute of Foreign languages of AUR enacted “Ramayana” in French language to give fellow students a thorough understanding of the French language. He congratulated the all faculty members of Amity who have authored the book.


Narrating the journey of writing the beautiful manual, Ms. Juliette Marion- one of the authors of the Book and a faculty of AUR said the book was written with the aim to prepare Indian guides to welcome French tourists and to be able to lead them through the discovery of India along with improving their own skills in French language, increasing knowledge of the French grammar and vocabulary. She highlighted that the book intends to give Indian Guides a complete insight into French culture, to make them understand the expectations and needs of French tourists when they visit India and to fulfill those expectations and needs. “The guides should be able to tell French tourists more than just history, facts and dates, more than an accurate description of pictures and photographs and create a connection based on inter- cultural understanding. “Carnet de Voyage” is written to serve this purpose”, stressed Ms. Juliette.


Sharing his views, Mr. Baptiste Chauveau- one of the authors of the Book and a faculty of AUR remarked that the first step of the book was to collect accurate information from target public- the tourist guides, who were interviewed in Rajasthan along with the French tourists and also, the representatives of Ministry of Tourism of Rajasthan. He shared that the inputs were used to design the book for the guides who have threshold level in French and would help them to improve their language in a professional way.


Also present during the occasion were, Mr. Ashwani Goyal and Ms. Wini Goyal- Goyal Publishers, Maj. Gen (Retd.)R K Dhawan- Advisor, International Affairs Division, Amity University; Dr. Manohar Sajnani- Director, Amity Institute of Travel and Tourism and various other senior officials of Amity.