
04 Apr 2013|Noida | Juvenile Home, Delhi Gate

Students from Amity Law School Centre-II visit The Juvenile Justice Board- Juvenile Home

Amity Law School Centre-II, AUUP in its effort to reach out to the masses and to create an impact on the society during Amity Human Values Quarter organized a visit to “The Juvenile Justice Board”(Juvenile Home) at Delhi Gate, New Delhi on April, 04, 2013.

A team comprising of 15 students and a faculty visited the Juvenile Home. The team started with a brief interaction with the juveniles in “Prayas Bal Nirikshan Grih”. Students spent time talking to the juveniles. The basic idea was to understand child psychology. In fact students found it really hard to believe that the same juveniles were accused and even convicted of some grave offences and in fact provided  the law students a subject to study .

The interaction was followed by a painting competition and later by a talent search where in juveniles were asked to come forward and share their views, sing songs or dance or show any talent they had.  Finally the Students distributed chocolates, story books, pens, pencils, notebooks, board games etc as prizes to the juveniles. The law students also taught juveniles about their basic rights and responsibilities. At the end students of Amity Law School Center II got a chance to witness the juvenile court proceedings. The visit turned out to be a great learning experience for the law students who got a firsthand experience of visiting juvenile home.