
14 Aug 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Delegation from Bond University, Australia visits Amity University to discuss potential areas of mutual collaboration

A delegation comprising of academicians from Bond University, Australia visited Amity University, Sector-125, Noida to identify and discuss the potential areas of mutual collaboration between Bond University and Amity University.


The eminent members of the Delegation included Mr. John Mc Partland, Director International; Professor Kuldeep Kumar, Faculty of Business; Associate Professor Daniel O'Brien, Faculty of Health Sciences; Associate Professor Rick Best, Institute for Sustainable Development and Architecture and Professor Raoul Mortley, Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.


Shri RM Aggarwal, Addl. DG, ACICA; Prof. Kalyan Chatterjee, Head, Amity School of Communications, Prof. BKP Sinha, Advisor, Amity School of Natural Resources and Sustainable Development; Er. A K Srivastava, Director, Amity School of Urban Management; Prof. (Dr.) Abha Singh-Dean Faculty of Arts, Humanities, Journalism & Communication ;Dr. Kalpana Sharma, Dean Faculty of Education & Director, Amity School of Physical Education and sports Sciences, Dr. Arun Sacher, Addl. Director, Amity International Business School and Wg. Cdr. SK Goel- Dy. Director, International Affairs Department introduced themselves and their institutes to the delegation members.


Sharing his views, Mr. John Mc Partland, Director International, Bond University remarked that Bond University is the first private, not-for-profit University of Australia which gives high importance to students’ engagement in academic as well as non-academic arenas. He informed that student to teacher ratio in Bond University is 10:1 and all the students –national and International pay same fees for same programmes. Talking about the collaborative initiatives of Bond University, Mr. Portland briefed that, Bond University, currently, has 62 partnerships with leading universities in 22 countries and collaboration with one institution in India. He highlighted that Bond University is looking forward to develop a deeper relationship with India by collaborating with few crème institutions of India.


Professor Kuldeep Kumar, Faculty of Business outlined that Faculty of Business ,Bond University aims to build global business leaders. He shared that, keeping in view the global requirements, four modules are compulsory in each and every programme offered by Bond University including “Cultural and Ethical study”, “Communication Skills”, “IT Skills” and “Leadership Skills”. He informed the gathering that Bond University opens admissions for Master of Business thrice a year in the months of January, May and September and there are four different streams that are offered as part of the programme- Marketing, Finance, International Business or a customized program incorporating all three.


Associate Professor Daniel O'Brien, Faculty of Health Sciences apprised that Australia is looking forward to collaborate with Indian Sports Institutes to benefit from the expertise they have gained while hosting Common Wealth Games in 2010. Since, Amity University trained the volunteers for Commonwealth Games in 2010, Faculty of Health Sciences, Bond University is mulling over the option to collaborate with Amity.


Professor Kuldeep Kumar, Faculty of Business; Associate Professor Daniel O'Brien, Faculty of Health Sciences; Associate Professor Rick Best, Institute for Sustainable Development and Architecture and Professor Raoul Mortley, Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences delivered lectures in Amity School of Business, Amity School of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Amity School of Natural Resources and Sustainable Development and Amity School of Communications and interacted with the students and faculty members.


Professor Kuldeep Kumar, Faculty of Business, while delivering a lecture on “How to detect Bankruptcy and Fraudsin Amity School of Business outlined various case studies involving major thefts and bankruptcies filed across the world including Satyam Fiasco, Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy etc. Sharing the important findings of the research conducted by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), Prof. Kumar shared that 75% of the fraudsters are male and are married employees with children. He further revealed that as the education level of fraudsters increase, the amount and number of frauds committed by them rises. He stressed that employees with high IQ have a higher level of desire to commit fraud. Referring to famous criminologist, Donald R Cressey, he shared “Fraud Triangle” with Opportunity, Motivation and Rationalization as three corners of the triangle. He shared that every year, over 8, 000 bankruptcies are filed in Australia and most of them are filed during the last quarter of tax filing, causing a jolt to the Government. Prof. Kumar shared with students various measures through which a company can minimize the chances the fraud such as “Providing Regular Fraud Training to the employees”, “Job Rotation”, “Developing a strong system of Internal Control, “Creating an organizational culture that stresses integrity and commitment to ethical values”, “Increasing the penalty for fraudsters” etc. Prof also shared “Altman Model” and “Benford Law” which could be used to measure the fiscal fitness of a company, thereby preventing frauds and bankruptcies in the companies.


The delegation, subsequently, met Dr. B Shukla- Acting Vice Chancellor, Amity University and discussed the potential areas of collaboration.


The delegation was taken around the Campus and was shown the state of the art infrastructure of Amity Campus including Amity Innovation Incubator, Directorate of Online Education, Central Library and other facilities.