
06 Jun 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Dr. Pawan Dhar, Adjunct Professor – Centre for Energy Biosciences, ICT, Mumbai delivers lecture during ASTIF lecture series at Amity University

Dr. Pawan Dhar, Adjunct ProfessorCentre for Energy Biosciences, ICT, Mumbai delivered lecture on the topic “Building the Foundation of Engineering in Biology”. The special lecture was organized by Amity Science, Technology and Innovation Foundation under the ASTIF lecture series at Amity University, Sector-125.

Dr. Sunil Saran, Chairman - AICPHT&CCM, Dr. R.P. Singh, Distinguished Scientist & Chair Professor for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology – Amity Institute of Nanotechnology welcomed Dr. Pawan Dhar.

Dr. Pawan Dhar during his lecture said that science is an evidence based study and explaining the same through an example said that human body can be divided into organs which can further be divided into cells. Cells further into chromosome, DNA. One can further go into the level of molecules and atoms. Dr. Dhar emphasized on molecular biology which can be integrated through systems biology and synthetic biology.

Dr. Sunil Saran said that synthetic biology has become the buzz word in India since last one decade. Dr Saran described briefly about genetic engineering and synthetic chromosome to know the sequence of genes.

Scientist, faculty from Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity Institute of Microbial Technology, Amity Institute of Nanotechnology and other Amity Institutions were present during the lecture session.