
23 May 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Innovations should be patented immediately opines expert Dr. Joy Goswami - University of Delaware, USA

To create an awareness on Intellectual Property Rights & Technology Transfer, Dr. Joy Goswami, MS, MBA, RTTP, Assistant Director, Technology Transfer Centre, University of Delaware, USA delivered a special lecture at Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida.

Dr. Sunil Saran, Sr. Vice Chairman, Amity Science Technology & Innovation Foundation and Dr. RP Singh, Distinguished Scientist & Chair Professor for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Amity Institute of Nanotechnology welcomed Dr. Joy Goswami.

While delivering his talk on aptly titled topic “Joy of Technology Transfer”, Dr. Joy Goswami said that invention or innovation is the most important achievement for any scientist. He urged all the scientists that if they have something innovative, don’t rush to publish it rather first protect creativity by patenting it. Second step after patent should be the commercial use of that innovation. This is also called as technology transfer which means transfer of knowledge. Dr. Goswami said that technology transfer is an eight step process which include Disclosure – Evaluation – Licensing Strategy – Marketing – Expression of Interest – Valuation – Negotiation – License. Dr. Goswami informed that in 2011 in USA 4899 licenses were executed which was estimated to generate an income of 2.5 billion dollar.  Dr. Goswami said that before patenting any innovation, four things should be looked upon – invention must be useful, novel, non-obvious and fully disclosed.

Dr. Goswami suggested the scientists of Amity University to work towards technology transfer and urged to do the following:

1.      Education – Begin Curriculum in Intellectual Property Rights

2.      Training Researchers on IPR and best practices

3.      Establish Amity Technology Transfer Office.

Dr. Goswami also briefed the audience about the revenue sharing from licensing of any invention. He said that after getting proper license, inventor shares 33% of the royalty, college or university gets 22%, Department receives 22% and remaining 22% by office. Dr. Goswami said by licensing, one not only gets royalties but may also receive federal funding, company start-up or even government sponsor research.

Dr. Sunil Saran, Sr. Vice Chairman, Amity Science Technology & Innovation Foundation said that having patent is good thing but the main fact will be how many patents will be commercialized and will reach to benefit of public. Scientists should target to research in Applied Sciences and generate resources. He urged scientists to d do research while working in university and use resources of university which will be beneficial for scientist as well as for university

Scientists, faculty members, senior officials from Amity University were present during the lecture session.