
25 Jul 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Dr Kiran Bedi- Social Activist inaugurates event “Suraksha” for training Self Defense Techniques to female students, faculty members and staff at Amity University

Keeping in view the rising crimes against women across the country and making an effort to empower them in combating such situations, Amity University in association with Tech Mahindra-CanvasM and Child Association India- an NGO organized an event “Suraksha” for training self defense techniques to female students, faculty members and staff at Amity University, Sector- 125, Noida.

Sharing her views during the ocassion, Chief Guest Dr Kiran Bedi- Social Activist suggested to make safety awareness drives for women a huge movement across the country, involving all the Corporate, Universities, Educational Institutes and NGOs.. Citing important facts from the survey recently done, Dr. Bedi said that India has emerged as the most unsafe country for women in the world. In India, every 3 minutes, there is a crime against women and every 29 minute a woman is raped and every 77 minutes an incidence related to dowry takes place. She called upon the females to learn civil self defense and download on their cells latest software applications which have been developed by various companies, that can send messages and phone calls to the family and relatives of the girl in distress. Dr. Kiran Bedi apprised the female students of the strong parts of their body which they can use including knuckles, fingers, knees and elbows on the attacker’s soft and vulnerable body parts such as eyes, nose, jaws and groin in any untoward situation. She called upon the society to raise responsible boys and brave girls to stop crime against women and suggested that like foreign countries, Indian Police should welcome the interested boys and girls to do internship with Police, understand their working, accompany them in PCR vans and patrolling so that youth of the country become responsible and geared enough to protect the women in the society.

Talking about the stigma associated with a woman reporting an abuse to the Police and suggesting a solution to the same, Dr. Kiran Bedi said that every women should report  the wrong doing against her, even if she does not want to go to the Police Station, the complaint could be mailed to the DGP of the State or Commissioner of Police anonymously to bring guilty behind the bars and setting an example for others. If no action is taken against the report then, she could file an RTI or write to Dr. Kiran Bedi on her website

During her speech, Dr. Kiran Bedi, with the consent of Acting Vice Chancellor of University, proposed to hold a “Civil Defense Camp” for all female students of Amity in the open grounds on August 1, 2013 wherein, she herself would be present to guide all the female students of Amity about self defense techniques and help in making Amity a “Zero tolerance zone” for crimes against women.

Dr. B Shukla- Acting Vice Chancellor, Amity University assured Dr. Kiran Bedi that Amity University would train and teach each and every female students the techniques of Self Defense and spread this movement across the country.

Mr Jagdish Mitra-CEO, CanvasM Technologies & Sr Vice President, Tech Mahindra Limited encouraged the youth to spread the message of safe and secure India for women through the use of latest technology and software. Talking about “Fight Back” software which is India’s first Mobile App. for women safety, developed by Tech- Mahindra, Mr. Jagdish Mitra said that Fight Back Mobile App., just with the tap of a button, sends SOS alert with location information to Security Agencies, Police and user’s family.

During the occasion, volunteers from Child Association India raised awareness about how to prevent and deal with child abuse and crimes against women.

The event was attended by over 500 students who were immensely benefitted by the techniques of Self Defense shared during the event and even vowed to raise a voice against crime for their own self and other victims also.