
07 Jun 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Ambassador R.M.Aggarwal, ADG- ACICA, delivers lecture on "Different Facets of China” during AIC lecture series

The Amity International Centre (AIC) organized 160th lecture under the AIC Lecture Series on the topic “Different Facets of China” by Ambassador R M Aggarwal (Retd.), ADG- ACICA at Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida.

Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group presided over the session.

During the informative and engrossing lecture, Ambassador R M Aggarwal (Retd.) briefly presented the Indo-China history and its present consequences. Amb. Aggarwal apprised the audience that famous Panchsheel agreement was made in 1954 which promised all the dispute settlement alongwith creating friendly relationship between both countries but China did not follow the agreement and occupied Aksai Chin. Flaring the border dispute, in 1986, China claimed Arunachal Pradesh as its territory which India opposed very strongly. In 2005, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh signed agreement of peace in Line of Control (LoC), but was replied by frequent border infiltration by China. Recently this year after the gross border infiltration by China in Daulat Baig Oldie sector, an agreement was arrived to withdraw forces from LoC.

Amb. Aggarwal said that China leaves no chance to irritate India. 5800 Sq Km of territory of Pak Occupied Kashmir (POK) was gifted to China by Pakistan. Jammu & Kashmir is already divided amongst India, Pakistan and China. China even lay claim on 90,000 SqKm of Arunachal Pradesh as South Tibet and part of China. Amb Aggarwal mentioned that China does not have peaceful relations with neighboring countries and have conflict with Japan, Philipines, Vietnam, Taiwan etc.

Amb. Aggarwal outlined that the GDP of China is 3 times GDP of India and around 66 billion dollar of total trade takes place between both countries. China always plan for next 50 years and there interest lies in trade and investment with India.

The speaker remarked that China is expansionist country and is always on a lookout to expand its boundaries. China has trade or project presence in Maldives, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Vietnam etc but objects India’s proposal to establish ONGC centre at Vietnam. China is planning to build 11 dams on Brahamputra River sidelining the India’s objections. The purpose behind is to have presence in Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea.

Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group appreciated the lecture and said that Indo-China relations are very important for the bi lateral trade and overall economy. It is said that very after USA, China and India will be economic Super Power. Dr. Chauhan opined that India should get advantage of its huge youth population which could spearhead India into economic, education and spiritual superpower.

The lecture was followed by a Question and Answer session wherein the Directors/ HODs/ Institutional Heads, Scientists, Researchers and faculty members of Amity posed a volley of questions to the speaker.