
03 Apr 2013-04 Apr 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity University awards over Rupees 10 crores Scholarships to Meritorious Students during “Scholarship Award Function 2013

To reward the hard work and excellence achieved by meritorious students in their academic endeavors, a “Scholarship Award Function” spread over two days from April 3-4, 2013 is being organized by Amity University Uttar Pradesh (AUUP) at Amity University Campus, Sector-125, Noida.

During the first day of “Scholarship Award Function” Dr. Ashok K Chauhan, Founder President – Amity Group; Mr. Atul Chauhan- Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh and Dr. Balvinder Shukla- Acting Vice Chancellor, AUUP awarded ‘Dr. Ashok K Chauhan Scholarship’, ‘On Admission Merit Scholarship’, ‘Merit cum Means Scholarship’ worth crores to over 282 students, pursuing Under Graduate and Post Graduate programmes in Amity. Around 625 students will get scholarships on both days.

Welcoming the proud parents and awardees, Prof. (Dr.) Balvinder Shukla, Acting Vice Chancellor, AUUP said quality education leads to quality living and nation building, what inspires us to hold Scholarship Award Function where in the hard work and achievements of the students are acknowledged, encouraged and rewarded. It is important to recognize the resilient efforts of these brilliant students to keep the drive for excellence alive in them, averred Dr. Shukla.”

Congratulating the awardees Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, Founder President, Amity Group said “It is a matter of immense pride for parents, teachers and the entire Amity family to share the joy of seeing the students being rewarded for their meritorious performances. Dr. Chauhan added that these brilliant students will lead and show the path to the world. Amity students possess good command over behavioral science and have the power of virtue, ethics and morality coupled with academic excellence which will enable them to experience success in each and step of their lives.”

Beaming with joy and pride, Mr. Atul Chauhan, Chancellor, AUUP said that the brilliant young pupils who are the recipients of the scholarship are the hope and future of Amity. He urged the brilliant awardees to understand and value the contributions of their parents, family and teachers in elevating them to this present platform of achievement. He added “All students who have bagged the Scholarship should not rest on laurels, rather should continue to work hard with utmost dedication in order to keep the journey of excellence going way beyond visible horizons.”

Thousands of parents accompanied their wards for the proud moment and thereby thanked Amity for having provided such a facility to those students and said “Amity University is one of its kind as it imbibes values and ethics in its students apart from quality education that empowers the bright students to emerge as active contributors to nation development in multiple ways.”

Having received the Scholarship Awards the meritorious students expressed their core gratitude for their parents, family and teachers. Expressing her excitement Ms. Priya Aggarwal from Amity School of Engineering & Technology thanked her faculty and Head of the Department for giving her all support.  Ms. Parul of Biotechnology who did her bachelors from Amity on scholarship and now perusing Masters also on Scholarship, was thrilled and comments “There is a friendly and supportive environment in Amity. I was a hosteller who was cared and pampered by all. Amity is my second home”.

Out of the total number of awardees 71 received ‘Dr. Ashok K Chauhan Scholarships’; 194 received ‘On Admission Merit Scholarships’ and 17 received ‘Merit cum Means Scholarships’. Institution wise, 167 students from Amity School of Engineering and Technology; 27 students from Amity Institute of Biotechnology, 16 students from Amity Law School; 12 students from Amity School of Business and remaining from other Amity Institutions were conferred upon the Scholarship award on the first day of the Scholarship Award Function.

On April 4, 2013 over 342 students will receive scholarship certificates during the award function as well.