
07 Mar 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity Business School organises activity titled “Feminine Vs Masculine: The Classic Battle”

Women’s Day is many things – a cause for celebration, a reason to pause and re-evaluate, a remembrance, an inspiration, a time to honor loved and admired ones and in several countries. On the eve of WOMEN’S DAY, TEAM AHVQ, ABS took an initiative to organize an activity by the name of “Feminine Vs Masculine: The Classic Battle”. Here we have interviewed 100 people from various institutes (50 Women and 50 Men) at AUUP. We  asked each of the Women 3 questions which are inclined towards Men’s interests and vice versa.  A lot of Women were in a position to answer the questions put forward to them but the boys seemed to be unanimously clueless about most of the questions. The undisputed winners of this Classic Battle were women-folk.

We also sought comparative views of Men and Women about various roles, tasks and challenges that a woman faces daily in her life. The questions here mainly sought to find out the differences in perception of men and women about the role and responsibility of women.

With this there was an analysis made in which we could conclude that our findings suggest that increasingly (statistics state that 60% women follow sports while only 20% men were aware about women fashion) women are more attuned to men and their inclinations where as men have a lot more to work on to understand a woman and her thinking process.

This reason being, women today have become competitive in almost all spheres one can possibly think of. Some factors that could have attributed towards this, is the inherent need that women have to prove a point in different arenas, and that too not once, so that they can be recognized in equals terms as a man would. The triumphant part is that Women are nowadays not only trying but succeeding in what they believe and strive to do.