
27 Sep 2018|Noida | F2 Room No 203

Gandhi Jayanti Celebration 2018

In order to commemorate 150th birth anniversaryof Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi, Amity Institute of Education organized aseries of events. In line with these on the fourth day of a week longcelebrations was a Guest lecture on Integrating Midndfulness Among Learners on27th September 2018, the Guest for speaker for the evening was, Dr. Kaushikee from Nelson Mandela Centre forPeace and Conflict Resolution, Jamia MiliaIslamia. Th e  program began with lighting of  the lamp by the Head of Institution, Prof. (Dr). Alka Mudgal ma'am and Dr. Kaushikee. Also, Prof.(Dr). Alka Mudgal ma'am, presented a Tulsi sapling to the Guest of Honor, as iscustomary in the department. She also provided the framework for the lecture.

Dr. Kaushikee began her lecture by  asking the audience to close their  eyes for  a minute and then asking them to ponder overthe number of thoughts that came to their mind. She emphasized that to bemindful is to be in the present. It also requires attention and kindness bothto self and others.

Mindfulness  lets’one see his true inner self. It makes him aware about his impulses. It is botha skill and a tool and also enables one to not let their thoughts and emotionsgovern them. It reduces stress, makes you focused and connects one to the'other'. She also listed out the elements of mindfulness - Awareness (towardsthe emotions of self and others), empathy, kindness, self acceptance,forgiveness, contentment, impartiality, gratitude and discernment.

She had a few suggestions for the "futureteachers" in the room. She advised them not to fight over how things haveto be but rather to fight for the principles, enjoy work and not let theabsence of joy seep in. She also encouraged them to target the problem and notthe student, just as Gandhiji said, "Hate the sin and not the sinner". Shewarned them to stay clear of the conflict traps- Health, Time and Money. She alsotalked of the Mushroom syndrome and advised the students to give some light totheir conflicts or else it will keep growing. She added that one must also getrid of the 'last word' complex. She concluded the session, wishing the studentsgood luck for their future endeavors.